[metadata] name = powspec author = Alexandre Beelen author_email = alexandre.beelen@lam.fr license = BSD 3-Clause license_file = licenses/LICENSE.rst url = http://docs.astropy.org/projects/package-template/ description = Power Spectrum long_description = file: README.rst long_description_content_type = text/x-rst edit_on_github = False github_project = abeelen/powspec [options] zip_safe = False packages = find: python_requires = >=3.6 setup_requires = setuptools_scm install_requires = astropy scipy [options.entry_points] console_scripts = astropy-package-template-example = packagename.example_mod:main [options.extras_require] test = pytest-astropy docs = sphinx-astropy [options.package_data] powspec = data/* [tool:pytest] testpaths = "powspec" "docs" astropy_header = true doctest_plus = enabled text_file_format = rst addopts = --doctest-rst [coverage:run] omit = powspec/_astropy_init* powspec/conftest.py powspec/*setup_package* powspec/tests/* powspec/*/tests/* powspec/extern/* powspec/version* */powspec/_astropy_init* */powspec/conftest.py */powspec/*setup_package* */powspec/tests/* */powspec/*/tests/* */powspec/extern/* */powspec/version* [coverage:report] exclude_lines = # Have to re-enable the standard pragma pragma: no cover # Don't complain about packages we have installed except ImportError # Don't complain if tests don't hit assertions raise AssertionError raise NotImplementedError # Don't complain about script hooks def main\(.*\): # Ignore branches that don't pertain to this version of Python pragma: py{ignore_python_version} # Don't complain about IPython completion helper def _ipython_key_completions_