# Data management

## Introduction

ANIS provides scientific projects and for each project datasets extracted from databases.

ANIS also allows to associate files such as `fits`, `png`, `xml`, etc, to illustrate projects and datasets.

This page describes how to associate those files with projects and datasets.

## Server data path

First of all you have to specify the directory containing the future files and data.
This directory becomes the root directory for the ANIS _server_.
Go to the `docker-compose.yml` file to configure the `DATA_PATH` environment variable.


Here you can see that the data directory is configured to `/data`.

While downloading and installing ANIS, remember you [downloaded](installation.md#data) examples file to start the app.
You then symlinked them to the directory `data` at the root of the project. The latter files and directory find their use now.
They are mounted in the _server container_ at the root of the ANIS _server_ for it to serve them properly.

## Admin files explorer

An administrator can list files or folders contained in the root directory.
Please note that if authentication is enabled you will need to send a token to perform this action.

If you want to explore the ANIS `root` directory type:

$ curl "http://localhost:8080/admin-file-explorer"


If you want to explore the `DEFAULT` directory type:

$ curl "http://localhost:8080/admin-file-explorer/DEFAULT"


## Instance data path

You can associate a data directory for each of your scientific projects.
The directory path will start from the data root directory of anis-server.
To configure the data path of a project you have to fill in the property `data_path` in the metamodel.


$ curl -d '{
  "name": "default",
  "label": "Default instance",
  "description": "Instance for the test",
  "scientific_manager": "M. Durand",
  "instrument": "Multiple",
  "wavelength_domain": "Visible imaging / Spectroscopy",
  "display": 10,
  "data_path": "/DEFAULT",
  "files_path": "/INSTANCE_FILES",
  "public": true,
  "portal_logo": "",
  "design_color": "#7AC29A",
  "design_background_color": "#ffffff",
  "design_logo": "/logo.png",
  "design_favicon": "/favicon.ico",
  "samp_enabled": true,
  "back_to_portal": true,
  "search_by_criteria_allowed": true,
  "search_by_criteria_label": "Search",
  "search_multiple_allowed": false,
  "search_multiple_label": "Search multiple",
  "search_multiple_all_datasets_selected": false,
  "documentation_allowed": false,
  "documentation_label": "Documentation"
}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X POST "http://localhost/instance"

You can also configure a directory for storing files related to the project: `files_path`.
The directory path will start from the data path directory of the project.
Files related to the project such as the logo, images will be stored in this directory.

## Instance files explorer

A user can list files or folders contained in the instance files path directory.
Please note that if the instace is private you will need to send a token to perform this action.

If you want to explore the files for default project directory type:

$ curl "http://localhost:8080/instance/default/file-explorer"


## Dataset data path

You can associate a data directory for each of your datasets.
The directory path will start from the scientific project root directory (instance data_path).
To configure the data_path of a dataset you have to fill in the property in the metamodel.


$ curl -d '{
  "name": "vipers_dr2_w1",
  "table_ref": "aspic_vipers_dr2_w1",
  "label": "VIPERS-W1 (DR2)",
  "description": "VIPERS W1 dataset",
  "display": 10,
  "data_path": "/ASPIC/VIPERS_DR2",
  "public": true,
  "download_json": true,
  "download_csv": true,
  "download_ascii": true,
  "download_vo": false,
  "server_link_enabled": false,
  "datatable_enabled": true,
  "datatable_selectable_rows": false,
  "id_database": 1
}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X POST "http://localhost/dataset-family/1/dataset"

Here you can see that the data directory for this dataset is set to `/ASPIC/VIPERS_DR2`

## Dataset files explorer

A user can list files or folders contained in the dataset directory.
Please note that if the dataset is private you will need to send a token to perform this action.


$ curl "http://localhost:8080/dataset/vipers_dr2_w1/file-explorer"


If you want explore the spec1d directory you can execute:

$ curl "http://localhost:8080/dataset/vipers_dr2_w1/file-explorer/spec1D"


If a user want to download the file `VIPERS_101121877_bis.fits` you can execute:

$ curl \