{{~ devsim_config = [ {"Name":"initial_state", "CiiType":"boolean", "PyType":"bool", "Required":true}, {"Name":"warm_up", "CiiType":"double", "PyType":"float", "Required":true}, {"Name":"cool_down", "CiiType":"double", "PyType":"float", "Required":true}, {"Name": "max_on", "CiiType":"int", "PyType":"int", "Required":true}, ] enum_texts['E_LAMP_ERROR'] = { OK: 'OK', HW_NOT_OP: 'TwinCAT not in OP state or CouplerState not mapped.', INIT_FAILURE: 'INIT command aborted due to STOP or RESET.', UNEXPECTED_OFF: 'Lamp unexpectedly switched OFF.', UNEXPECTED_ON: 'Lamp unexpectedly switched ON.', FAULT_SIG: 'Fault signal active.', MAXON: 'Lamp maximum ON time exceeded.', STILL_COOLING: 'ON command not allowed while cooling.', TIMEOUT_DISABLE: 'Disable timed out.', TIMEOUT_INIT: 'Init timed out.', TIMEOUT_OFF: 'Switching OFF timed out.', TIMEOUT_ON: 'Switching ON timed out.', SIM_NOT_INITIALISED: 'Lamp simulator not initialised.', SIM_NULL_POINTER: 'NULL pointer to Lamp.', } enum_texts['E_LAMP_RPC_ERROR'] = { OK: 'OK', NOT_OP: 'Cannot control lamp. Not in OP state.', NOT_NOTOP_READY: 'Call failed. Not in NOTOP_READY.', NOT_NOTOP_NOTREADY: 'Call failed. Not in NOTOP_NOTREADY/ERROR.', SWITCHING_ON: 'Lamp OFF failed. Still switching ON.', SWITCHING_OFF: 'Lamp ON failed. Still switching OFF.', COOLING: 'Lamp ON failed. Still cooling down.', LOCAL: 'RPC calls not allowed in Local mode.', } Events = ['DisableOn', 'Stop', 'On', 'DisableOff', 'IsOn', 'Error', 'ErrMaxOn', 'CooledDown', 'Off', 'IsOff', 'InitOn', 'ErrHw', 'Reset', 'HwOk', 'LimitOn', 'InitOff', 'Init', 'ErrInit', 'ErrFault', 'Enable', 'Disable', 'WarmedUp', 'ErrTimeout'] ~}}