diff --git a/maoppy/psfmodel.py b/maoppy/psfmodel.py
index e60ace53ce4a3868452c9653990428233fd8d27a..608d838a6e2ce387eb9f324c1413cb7e9286b0d1 100644
--- a/maoppy/psfmodel.py
+++ b/maoppy/psfmodel.py
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class ParametricPSF:
         self.bounds = ((-np.inf,)*nparam, (np.inf,)*nparam)
     def __str__(self):
-        s  = "ParametricPSF\n"
+        s  = self.__class__.__name__ + "\n"
         s += "-------------\n"
         s += "pixels  : (%u,%u)\n"%self.npix
         s += "nb param: %u"%self._nparam
@@ -625,6 +625,25 @@ class Psfao(ParametricPSFfromPSD):
         return ["r0","bck","amp","alpha","ratio","theta","beta"]
+    def var_corr(self, parampsd):
+        """Return the numerical variance on the corrected area"""
+        psd,_ = self.psd(parampsd)
+        return np.sum(psd*self._maskin) * self.pix2freq**2
+    def var_halo(self, parampsd, fovnorm=False):
+        """Return the numerical variance on the halo (fitting error)"""
+        psd,var_tot = self.psd(parampsd, fovnorm=fovnorm)
+        var_corr = np.sum(psd*self._maskin) * self.pix2freq**2
+        return var_tot - var_corr
+    def var_total(self, parampsd, fovnorm=False):
+        """Return total variance halo + corrected area"""
+        _,var_tot = self.psd(parampsd, fovnorm=fovnorm)
+        return var_tot
     def psd(self, parampsd, grad=False, fovnorm=False):
         """Compute the PSD of the electromagnetic phase
         PSD is given in [rad²/f²] = [rad² m²]
@@ -654,8 +673,9 @@ class Psfao(ParametricPSFfromPSD):
         r0, bck, amp, alpha, ratio, theta, beta = parampsd
-        if alpha < pix:
-            warnings.warn("`alpha < df`. Everything works fine but the value of `amp` might not correspond exactly to the PSD integral.")
+        if alpha < (2*pix):
+            # well, the factor 2 is really empirical...
+            warnings.warn("`alpha < 2*df`. Everything works fine but the value of `amp` might not correspond exactly to the PSD integral.")
         # Von-Karman
         psd = (r0**(-5./3.)) * self._vk