From 97640621157e967ab3254f30d9e6e16d25b7c6e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rfetick <>
Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 18:37:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add small functions getgaussnoise and rmserror

 maoppy/ | 38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 maoppy/    | 11 +++++++++++
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/maoppy/ b/maoppy/
index a6f6141..4cd98df 100644
--- a/maoppy/
+++ b/maoppy/
@@ -12,9 +12,18 @@ from import fits
 import time
 from numpy.fft import fft2, fftshift, ifft2
 from maoppy.config import _EPSILON
-from maoppy.utils import binning
+from maoppy.utils import binning, getgaussnoise
+def rmserror(model,image,weights=1.0,background=True, positive_bck=False):
+    """Compute the RMS error between a PSF model and an image"""
+    amp,bck = lsq_flux_bck(model, image, weights=weights, background=background, positive_bck=positive_bck)
+    diff = amp*model+bck - image
+    noise_std = getgaussnoise(image)
+    err = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff**2.0 - noise_std**2.0))
+    err = err/np.sum(image)
+    return err
 def lsq_flux_bck(model, data, weights, background=True, positive_bck=False):
     """Compute the analytical least-square solution for flux and background
     LS = SUM_pixels { weights*(flux*model + bck - data)² }
@@ -104,20 +113,16 @@ def psffit(psf,Model,x0,weights=None,dxdy=(0.,0.),flux_bck=(True,True),
            Value of cost function at optimum
     Model_inst = Model(np.shape(psf),**kwargs)
-    if weights is None:
-        weights = np.ones_like(psf)
-    elif len(psf)!=len(weights):
-        raise ValueError("Keyword `weights` must have same number of elements as `psf`")
+    if weights is None: weights = np.ones_like(psf)
+    elif len(psf)!=len(weights): raise ValueError("Keyword `weights` must have same number of elements as `psf`")
     sqW = np.sqrt(weights)
     class CostClass(object):
         def __init__(self):
             self.iter = 0
         def __call__(self,y):
-            if (self.iter%3) == 0:
-                print("-",end="")
+            if (self.iter%3)==0: print("-",end="")
             self.iter += 1
             x, dxdy = mini2input(y)
             m = Model_inst(x,dx=dxdy[0],dy=dxdy[1])
             amp, bck = lsq_flux_bck(m, psf, weights, background=flux_bck[1], positive_bck=positive_bck)
@@ -126,17 +131,14 @@ def psffit(psf,Model,x0,weights=None,dxdy=(0.,0.),flux_bck=(True,True),
     cost = CostClass()
     if fixed is not None:
-        if len(fixed)!=len(x0):
-            raise ValueError("When defined, `fixed` must be same size as `x0`")
+        if len(fixed)!=len(x0): raise ValueError("When defined, `fixed` must be same size as `x0`")
         FREE = [not fixed[i] for i in range(len(fixed))]
         INDFREE = np.where(FREE)[0]
     def input2mini(x,dxdy):
         # Transform user parameters to minimizer parameters
-        if fixed is None:
-            xfree = x
-        else:
-            xfree = np.take(x,INDFREE)
+        if fixed is None: xfree = x
+        else: xfree = np.take(x,INDFREE)
         return np.concatenate((xfree,dxdy))
     def mini2input(y):
@@ -151,12 +153,10 @@ def psffit(psf,Model,x0,weights=None,dxdy=(0.,0.),flux_bck=(True,True),
     def get_bound(inst):
         b_low = inst.bounds[0]
-        if fixed is not None:
-            b_low = np.take(b_low,INDFREE)
+        if fixed is not None: b_low = np.take(b_low,INDFREE)
         b_low = np.concatenate((b_low,[-np.inf,-np.inf]))
         b_up = inst.bounds[1]
-        if fixed is not None:
-            b_up = np.take(b_up,INDFREE)
+        if fixed is not None: b_up = np.take(b_up,INDFREE)
         b_up = np.concatenate((b_up,[np.inf,np.inf]))
         return (b_low,b_up)
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def psffit(psf,Model,x0,weights=None,dxdy=(0.,0.),flux_bck=(True,True),
     result.psf = m    
     return result
 def reduced_coord(XY,ax,ay,theta,cx,cy):
     c = np.cos(theta)
     s = np.sin(theta)
diff --git a/maoppy/ b/maoppy/
index df80f0c..42d569a 100644
--- a/maoppy/
+++ b/maoppy/
@@ -8,12 +8,23 @@ Created on Mon May 27 17:27:44 2019
 import numpy as np
 from scipy.special import jv
+from numpy.fft import fft2, fftshift
 # Radian to arcsec
 RAD2ARCSEC = 180./np.pi * 3600.
+def getgaussnoise(image):
+    """Compute the std deviation of a gaussian noise in an image"""
+    sx, sy = np.shape(image)
+    ft_im2 = fftshift(np.abs(fft2(image))**2)
+    sn = np.sum(ft_im2[0,0:sy-1])+np.sum(ft_im2[0:sx-1,sy-1])+np.sum(ft_im2[sx-1,sy-1:0:-1])+np.sum(ft_im2[sx-1:0:-1,0])
+    sn = sn/(2*sx+2*sy-4)
+    sigma = np.sqrt(sn/(sx*sy))
+    return sigma
 def circarr(Npix, center=(None, None)):
     """Compute array of radii to the center of array