diff --git a/maoppy/example/create_muse_psf.py b/maoppy/example/create_muse_psf.py
index f74e1d1cf66ef731982c5ea116b305d26aa2b4ff..2e886f1d1ea361da9789b8b512bc5f6b808c4f9e 100644
--- a/maoppy/example/create_muse_psf.py
+++ b/maoppy/example/create_muse_psf.py
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 Created on Wed Jul 24 15:18:38 2019
+Generate a VLT/MUSE-NFM PSF with the Psfao model.
 @author: rfetick
diff --git a/maoppy/example/fit_muse_simulated_psf.py b/maoppy/example/fit_muse_simulated_psf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e92f2d2526207656b8e7a811168728e4efb9739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maoppy/example/fit_muse_simulated_psf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Fri May  8 18:45:28 2020
+Generate an observation of a star with MUSE-NFM, at a given wavelength
+Fit the simulated image with the Psfao model
+Plot results and display fitting accuracy
+@author: rfetick
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+from maoppy.psfmodel import Psfao, psffit, rmserror
+from maoppy.instrument import MUSE_NFM
+npix = 128 # pixel size of PSF
+wvl = 600*1e-9 # wavelength [m]
+flux = 1e6
+ron = MUSE_NFM.ron
+bckgd = 1.0
+#%% Initialize PSF model
+samp = MUSE_NFM.samp(wvl) # sampling (2.0 for Shannon-Nyquist)
+Pmodel = Psfao((npix,npix),system=MUSE_NFM,symmetric=True,samp=samp)
+#%% Generate a MUSE-NFM PSF
+r0 = 0.15 # Fried parameter [m]
+b = 1e-7 # Phase PSD background [rad² m²]
+amp = 1.4 # Phase PSD Moffat amplitude [rad²]
+ax = 0.1 # Phase PSD Moffat alpha [1/m]
+beta = 1.6 # Phase PSD Moffat beta power law
+param = [r0,b,amp,ax,beta]
+psf = Pmodel(param,dx=0,dy=0)
+image = flux*psf + bckgd + ron*np.random.randn(npix,npix)
+#%% Fit the PSF
+guess = [0.145,2e-7,1.2,0.08,1.5]
+w = np.ones_like(image)/ron**2.0
+out = psffit(image,Psfao,guess,weights=w,system=MUSE_NFM,samp=samp,symmetric=True)
+flux_fit, bck_fit = out.flux_bck
+fitao = flux_fit*out.psf + bck_fit
+#%% Plots
+print("%9s %10s %10s"%('','MUSE-NFM','Psfao'))
+print("%9s %10.4g %10.4g"%('Flux [e-]',flux,flux_fit))
+print("%9s %10.4g %10.4g"%('Bck [e-]',bckgd,bck_fit))
+print("%9s %10.2f %10.2f"%('r0 [cm]',r0*100,out.x[0]*100))
+print("%9s %10.2f %10.2f"%('A [rad²]',amp,out.x[2]))
+print("shape RMS error = %.2f%%"%(100*rmserror(fitao,image)))
+vmin,vmax = np.arcsinh([image.min(),image.max()])
+plt.title('MUSE-NFM simu')
+plt.title('Psfao fit')
diff --git a/maoppy/example/fit_zimpol_psf.py b/maoppy/example/fit_zimpol_psf.py
index ec741727004e1df4b0ac141544f28519b6f3aac3..706190f5b6e325e1d65f22242eb91cdc08b225f7 100644
--- a/maoppy/example/fit_zimpol_psf.py
+++ b/maoppy/example/fit_zimpol_psf.py
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 Created on Wed May 29 11:06:34 2019
+Fit a VLT/SPHERE/Zimpol PSF with the Psfao model.
+You need a Zimpol PSF in FITS format beforehand.
 @author: rfetick
diff --git a/maoppy/psfmodel.py b/maoppy/psfmodel.py
index 4cd98df37ee64dc1389d0e2eb9f12f57195d6bf7..ee48c2add2709975324199cbe4b5f782172cb613 100644
--- a/maoppy/psfmodel.py
+++ b/maoppy/psfmodel.py
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ from astropy.io import fits
 import time
 from numpy.fft import fft2, fftshift, ifft2
 from maoppy.config import _EPSILON
-from maoppy.utils import binning, getgaussnoise
+from maoppy.utils import binning #, getgaussnoise
 def rmserror(model,image,weights=1.0,background=True, positive_bck=False):
     """Compute the RMS error between a PSF model and an image"""
     amp,bck = lsq_flux_bck(model, image, weights=weights, background=background, positive_bck=positive_bck)
     diff = amp*model+bck - image
-    noise_std = getgaussnoise(image)
-    err = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff**2.0 - noise_std**2.0))
+    #noise_std = getgaussnoise(image)
+    err = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff**2.0))
     err = err/np.sum(image)
     return err