-- IRIS observations
CREATE TABLE public.observation (
id integer NOT NULL,
ra double precision NOT NULL,
"dec" double precision NOT NULL,
date_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
exposure_time integer NOT NULL,
filter character varying(255),
object_name character varying(255),
fits_file character varying(255),
id_obspack integer NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.observation OWNER TO anis;
COPY public.observation (id, ra, "dec", date_time, exposure_time, filter, object_name, fits_file, id_obspack) FROM stdin;
418 148.900499999999994 69.0669999999999931 2014-10-02 20:13:50 10 SDSS g M 81 20141002/M_81-S001-R001-C001-SDSS_g.fits 86
419 322.5 12.1669999999999998 2014-10-02 20:31:45 10 SDSS g M 15 20141002/M_15-S001-R001-C001-SDSS_g.fits 86
420 322.5 12.1669999999999998 2014-10-02 20:40:42 10 SDSS g M 15 20141002/M_15-S001-R001-C001-SDSS_g_dupe-1.fits 86
421 322.5 12.1669999999999998 2014-10-02 21:36:38 60 SDSS g M 15 20141002/M_15-S001-R001-C001-SDSS_g_dupe-5.fits 86
422 323.0505 48.4329999999999998 2014-10-02 21:25:08 10 SDSS g M 15 20141002/M_15-S001-R001-C001-SDSS_g_dupe-4.fits 86
423 322.5 12.1669999999999998 2014-10-02 20:45:13 10 SDSS g M 15 20141002/M_15-S001-R001-C001-SDSS_g_dupe-2.fits 86
424 323.0505 48.4329999999999998 2014-10-02 21:03:56 10 SDSS g M 39 20141002/M_39-S001-R001-C001-SDSS_g.fits 86
425 10.6754999999999995 41.267000000000003 2014-10-02 20:19:57 10 SDSS g M 31 20141002/M_31-S001-R001-C001-SDSS_g.fits 86
426 322.5 12.1669999999999998 2014-10-02 20:59:09 10 SDSS g M 15 20141002/M_15-S001-R001-C001-SDSS_g_dupe-3.fits 86
427 299.899499999999989 22.7169999999999987 2014-10-03 19:18:25 60 Halpha M 27 20141003/M_27-S001-R001-C001-Halpha.fits 87
CREATE VIEW v_observation AS
SELECT id, ra, "dec", date_time, exposure_time, filter, object_name, fits_file, fits_file as fits_png, id_obspack
FROM observation;
ALTER TABLE public.v_observation OWNER TO anis;
CREATE TABLE public.obs_pack (
id integer NOT NULL,
date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
observer character varying(255) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.obs_pack OWNER TO anis;
COPY public.obs_pack (id, date, observer) FROM stdin;
86 2014-10-02 ecole1
87 2014-10-03 ecole1
CREATE TABLE public.aspic_vipers_dr2_w1 (
num numeric,
alpha numeric,
delta numeric,
selmag numeric,
errselmag numeric,
pointing character varying(10),
quadrant numeric,
zspec numeric,
zflg numeric,
norm numeric,
epoch numeric,
photomask numeric,
tsr numeric,
ssr numeric,
classflag numeric,
id_t07 numeric,
u numeric,
g numeric,
r numeric,
i numeric,
z numeric,
erru numeric,
errg numeric,
errr numeric,
erri numeric,
errz numeric,
u_t07 numeric,
g_t07 numeric,
r_t07 numeric,
i_t07 numeric,
iy_t07 numeric,
z_t07 numeric,
erru_t07 numeric,
errg_t07 numeric,
errr_t07 numeric,
erri_t07 numeric,
erriy_t07 numeric,
errz_t07 numeric,
k_video numeric,
ks numeric,
fuv numeric,
nuv numeric,
errk_video numeric,
errks numeric,
errfuv numeric,
errnuv numeric,
deltaug numeric,
deltagr numeric,
deltari numeric,
ebv numeric,
r2 numeric,
r2_t07 numeric,
classflag_2 numeric,
photomask_2 numeric,
spectromask numeric,
spec1d text,
spec1dnoise text,
spec1dsky text,
zflg_vipers numeric
ALTER TABLE public.aspic_vipers_dr2_w1 OWNER TO anis;
COPY public.aspic_vipers_dr2_w1 (num, alpha, delta, selmag, errselmag, pointing, quadrant, zspec, zflg, norm, epoch, photomask, tsr, ssr, classflag, id_t07, u, g, r, i, z, erru, errg, errr, erri, errz, u_t07, g_t07, r_t07, i_t07, iy_t07, z_t07, erru_t07, errg_t07, errr_t07, erri_t07, erriy_t07, errz_t07, k_video, ks, fuv, nuv, errk_video, errks, errfuv, errnuv, deltaug, deltagr, deltari, ebv, r2, r2_t07, classflag_2, photomask_2, spectromask, spec1d, spec1dnoise, spec1dsky, zflg_vipers) FROM stdin;
125105118 36.2372494 -4.2348133 20.5761 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125105118_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125105118_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125105118_sky.fits 23.4
125105354 36.1644993 -4.234881 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125105354_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125105354_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125105354_sky.fits 23.4
125105691 36.2276034 -4.2328276 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125105691_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125105691_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125105691_sky.fits 23.4
125106215 36.2312769 -4.2305797 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125106215_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125106215_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125106215_sky.fits 23.4
125106667 36.2357517 -4.2289307 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125106667_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125106667_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125106667_sky.fits 23.4
125106833 36.2395343 -4.2283397 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125106833_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125106833_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125106833_sky.fits 23.4
125108288 36.2220463 -4.2232328 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125108288_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125108288_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125108288_sky.fits 23.4
125108532 36.210931 -4.2222241 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125108532_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125108532_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125108532_sky.fits 23.4
125111094 36.2138261 -4.2123053 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125111094_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125111094_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125111094_sky.fits 23.4
125111482 36.2330599 -4.2115119 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125111482_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125111482_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125111482_sky.fits 23.4
125111652 36.2150437 -4.2103248 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125111652_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125111652_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125111652_sky.fits 23.4
125114056 36.1595776 -4.2014325 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125114056_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125114056_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125114056_sky.fits 23.4
125114643 36.2180953 -4.1989704 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125114643_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125114643_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125114643_sky.fits 23.4
125115553 36.2065377 -4.1957827 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125115553_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125115553_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125115553_sky.fits 23.4
125116628 36.223869 -4.1916085 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125116628_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125116628_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125116628_sky.fits 23.4
125117050 36.2288209 -4.190055 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125117050_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125117050_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125117050_sky.fits 23.4
125117096 36.2272057 -4.1891178 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125117096_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125117096_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125117096_sky.fits 23.4
125119416 36.1620435 -4.1832106 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125119416_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125119416_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125119416_sky.fits 23.4
125120491 36.1635683 -4.1786638 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125120491_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125120491_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125120491_sky.fits 23.4
125120596 36.2108996 -4.178203 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125120596_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125120596_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125120596_sky.fits 23.4
125121303 36.2396546 -4.1750736 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_125121303_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_125121303_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_125121303_sky.fits 23.4
101121877 30.8151647 -5.974833 19.2464 0.0034 W1P198 4 0.2096 23 26.2311 2 1 0.0 0.0 0 495700 21.2228 20.2467 19.621 19.2464 19.0479 0.0138 0.0037 0.0048 0.0034 0.0074 21.11 20.263 19.667 19.284 -99.0 19.204 0.013 0.0040 0.0040 0.0030 -99.0 0.0070 -99.99 18.443 -99.0 21.843 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02522 5.99 6.01 0 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101121877_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101121877_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101121877_sky.fits 23.4
101122063 30.4001899 -5.9778899 22.6929 0.0493 W1P197 3 0.9226 21 2.9409 2 1 0.0 0.0 -2 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N spec1D/VIPERS_101122063_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122063_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122063_sky.fits 21.5
101122068 30.4430395 -5.9775326 21.4163 0.0191 W1P197 3 1.0308 2 4.1758 2 1 0.8647142 1.0 1 494816 24.2625 24.0494 22.7203 21.4163 20.5294 0.1581 0.0885 0.061 0.0191 0.0219 24.451 23.917 22.84 21.518 -99.0 20.735 0.158 0.058 0.035 0.015 -99.0 0.018 -99.99 18.962 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.013 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02454 5.04 4.77 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122068_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122068_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122068_sky.fits 2.4
101122081 30.9498971 -5.9757045 20.1029 0.0081 W1P199 3 0.5115 4 3.1094 2 1 0.3281301 0.9494949 1 495470 22.0278 21.4299 20.5778 20.1029 19.8638 0.0285 0.0105 0.0112 0.0081 0.017 21.982 21.452 20.649 20.147 -99.0 20.021 0.026 0.0090 0.0070 0.0070 -99.0 0.015 -99.99 18.704 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.015 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.0262 5.71 5.71 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122081_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122081_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122081_sky.fits 4.4
101122084 30.4014923 -5.9778895 21.1928 0.0106 W1P197 3 0.4746 3 1.8681 2 1 0.6568993 0.98 1 494634 25.2627 23.4547 21.9908 21.1928 20.737 0.3047 0.0364 0.0298 0.0106 0.0199 25.514 23.49 22.073 21.203 -99.0 20.91 0.383 0.036 0.018 0.01 -99.0 0.018 -99.99 19.657 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.022 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02448 2.82 2.88 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122084_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122084_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122084_sky.fits 3.5
101122144 30.3990668 -5.9773213 21.3083 0.0154 W1P197 3 0.8135 4 2.044 2 1 0.494473 1.0 1 494802 24.5475 24.1187 22.4996 21.3083 20.6148 0.1978 0.0818 0.0558 0.0154 0.0238 24.705 24.167 22.666 21.312 -99.0 20.784 0.2 0.072 0.033 0.013 -99.0 0.019 -99.99 19.216 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.016 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02445 3.79 3.84 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122144_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122144_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122144_sky.fits 4.5
101122212 30.5713576 -5.977193 21.7728 0.0206 W1P197 4 0.5422 4 2.6507 2 1 0.5567242 0.98 1 494773 23.1361 22.9158 22.0998 21.7728 21.7643 0.0515 0.0254 0.0273 0.0206 0.0577 23.035 22.924 22.134 21.811 -99.0 21.832 0.043 0.021 0.017 0.017 -99.0 0.043 -99.99 21.293 -99.0 23.522 -99.99 0.096 -99.0 0.079 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02484 3.87 3.82 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122212_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122212_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122212_sky.fits 4.5
101122214 30.4040146 -5.9724452 21.7112 0.0216 W1P197 3 0.8035 4 2.2643 2 1 0.8081717 1.0 1 496242 25.313 24.1829 22.9922 21.7112 21.0292 0.3968 0.0869 0.0668 0.0216 0.0321 25.202 24.329 23.078 21.77 -99.0 21.266 0.288 0.076 0.048 0.017 -99.0 0.025 -99.99 19.37 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.017 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.0244 4.27 4.29 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122214_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122214_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122214_sky.fits 4.5
101122224 31.1063335 -5.9763864 21.3597 0.0148 W1P199 4 0.6769 2 3.7823 2 1 0.5960532 0.92 1 494975 23.6391 22.9408 22.0095 21.3597 20.8668 0.0796 0.027 0.026 0.0148 0.0277 23.767 23.025 22.176 21.384 -99.0 21.011 0.079 0.025 0.018 0.013 -99.0 0.021 -99.99 19.719 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.025 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02459 4.5 4.54 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122224_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122224_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122224_sky.fits 2.4
101122250 30.6709263 -5.9776146 22.4587 0.0425 W1P198 3 0.8663 2 1.912 2 1 0.7314019 0.45 1 494573 24.6522 24.5892 23.6928 22.4587 22.1644 0.1891 0.1316 0.1283 0.0425 0.0843 25.36 24.567 23.821 22.568 -99.0 22.269 0.259 0.077 0.061 0.028 -99.0 0.05 -99.99 19.99 -99.0 27.296 -99.99 0.031 -99.0 3.628 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02194 3.8 3.68 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122250_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122250_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122250_sky.fits 2.2
101122257 30.980727 -5.9758916 21.1649 0.0122 W1P199 3 0.5272 3 3.0841 2 1 0.376819 0.9494949 1 495181 25.4106 23.4753 22.0256 21.1649 20.7214 0.4132 0.0424 0.0257 0.0122 0.0226 24.883 23.534 22.141 21.207 -99.0 20.934 0.239 0.041 0.019 0.011 -99.0 0.021 -99.99 19.772 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.031 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02644 3.67 3.69 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122257_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122257_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122257_sky.fits 3.2
101122302 30.546394 -5.9761324 21.7715 0.0326 W1P197 4 0.9252 1 13.9962 2 1 0.5534733 0.95 1 495087 23.2281 23.0632 22.4362 21.7715 21.4575 0.0854 0.0461 0.0585 0.0326 0.0656 23.211 23.07 22.512 21.788 -99.0 21.547 0.064 0.03 0.029 0.021 -99.0 0.041 -99.99 20.477 -99.0 24.533 -99.99 0.056 -99.0 0.168 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02505 5.84 5.74 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122302_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122302_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122302_sky.fits 1.5
101122312 30.4149586 -5.9764055 22.1668 0.0248 W1P197 3 0.8174 4 1.7478 2 1 0.7222132 0.9494949 1 494939 23.1363 22.9426 22.824 22.1668 21.8543 0.0397 0.0215 0.0434 0.0248 0.0498 23.062 22.949 22.876 22.18 -99.0 22.115 0.036 0.019 0.028 0.021 -99.0 0.046 -99.99 21.802 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.134 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02452 3.01 3.02 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122312_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122312_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122312_sky.fits 4.2
101122399 31.0977858 -5.9765383 21.8873 0.0179 W1P199 4 0.4594 2 2.5092 2 1 0.513952 0.78 1 494840 23.8397 23.2119 22.2945 21.8873 21.6717 0.0722 0.0259 0.0255 0.0179 0.0429 23.874 23.218 22.398 21.947 -99.0 21.783 0.07 0.024 0.018 0.017 -99.0 0.034 -99.99 20.791 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.053 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02458 2.9 2.87 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122399_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122399_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122399_sky.fits 2.5
101122444 30.5348554 -5.9751279 22.1069 0.0427 W1P197 4 0.651 1 10.091 2 1 0.3285741 0.8888889 1 495342 23.9373 23.4885 22.6161 22.1069 21.6419 0.1511 0.0646 0.0671 0.0427 0.0723 24.037 23.62 22.882 22.152 -99.0 21.974 0.112 0.042 0.035 0.025 -99.0 0.051 -99.99 20.778 -99.0 24.276 -99.99 0.065 -99.0 0.126 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02497 5.35 5.18 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122444_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122444_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122444_sky.fits 1.4
101122456 30.9156644 -5.9757324 21.4646 0.0155 W1P199 3 0.542 4 2.3206 2 1 0.3921387 0.96 1 495108 22.9598 22.6027 21.7894 21.4646 21.3067 0.0413 0.0188 0.0204 0.0155 0.0382 22.899 22.616 21.893 21.482 -99.0 21.456 0.037 0.017 0.014 0.014 -99.0 0.033 -99.99 21.042 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.085 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02561 3.66 3.69 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122456_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122456_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122456_sky.fits 4.5
101122526 31.1291597 -5.9749207 20.6745 0.0091 W1P199 4 0.6187 4 5.7984 2 1 0.761249 0.94 1 495339 22.7846 22.2404 21.2952 20.6745 20.3784 0.0413 0.0163 0.0157 0.0091 0.0199 22.766 22.286 21.397 20.737 -99.0 20.571 0.037 0.015 0.011 0.0080 -99.0 0.017 -99.99 19.424 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.022 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02456 4.75 4.74 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122526_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122526_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122526_sky.fits 4.5
101122583 30.5628627 -5.9751816 20.73 0.0082 W1P197 4 0.4595 4 1.9424 2 1 0.5605851 0.97 1 495271 22.3334 21.8518 21.0794 20.73 20.4768 0.0261 0.01 0.0113 0.0082 0.0183 22.256 21.855 21.155 20.755 -99.0 20.644 0.025 0.0090 0.0080 0.0080 -99.0 0.017 -99.99 19.725 -99.0 22.651 -99.99 0.026 -99.0 0.041 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02491 3.42 3.47 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122583_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122583_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122583_sky.fits 4.2
101122662 30.6645959 -5.9749861 21.4121 0.0166 W1P198 3 0.5405 2 3.8627 2 1 0.7112287 0.9191919 1 495277 23.1874 22.7453 21.8374 21.4121 21.1665 0.0552 0.025 0.0241 0.0166 0.0363 23.201 22.773 21.955 21.465 -99.0 21.359 0.049 0.02 0.015 0.013 -99.0 0.029 -99.99 20.479 -99.0 23.503 -99.99 0.058 -99.0 0.142 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02197 4.18 4.16 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122662_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122662_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122662_sky.fits 2.5
101122673 30.4403715 -5.9752009 22.1957 0.0308 W1P197 3 0.8101 3 2.9025 2 1 0.8607981 0.87 1 495136 24.286 23.6892 23.1476 22.1957 21.9911 0.1319 0.0493 0.069 0.0308 0.0674 24.273 23.706 23.209 22.26 -99.0 22.095 0.098 0.034 0.035 0.022 -99.0 0.043 -99.99 21.269 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.073 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02451 3.59 3.56 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122673_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122673_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122673_sky.fits 3.5
101122688 30.8165346 -5.9751539 21.3735 0.0122 W1P198 4 0.7099 4 6.2794 2 1 0.2657843 0.93 1 495154 24.4268 23.4134 22.4117 21.3735 21.027 0.1348 0.0334 0.0299 0.0122 0.0239 24.222 23.409 22.425 21.405 -99.0 21.165 0.111 0.031 0.02 0.012 -99.0 0.021 -99.99 19.74 -99.0 24.503 -99.99 0.019 -99.0 0.221 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02524 2.95 2.99 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122688_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122688_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122688_sky.fits 4.4
101122737 30.9513587 -5.9751586 22.2539 0.0276 W1P199 3 0.6276 1 4.6794 2 1 0.3508648 0.7 1 495073 25.1409 24.1601 23.0751 22.2539 21.8101 0.2837 0.0675 0.0772 0.0276 0.0594 24.914 24.171 23.042 22.283 -99.0 21.992 0.189 0.057 0.038 0.023 -99.0 0.046 -99.99 20.822 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.053 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02622 3.31 3.34 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122737_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122737_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122737_sky.fits 1.5
101122739 31.0529622 -5.9749556 21.8248 0.0217 W1P199 4 0.6444 2 3.5638 2 1 0.4212198 0.88 1 495117 25.462 23.9606 22.7959 21.8248 21.4746 0.4148 0.0686 0.0621 0.0217 0.0426 25.432 23.992 22.858 21.875 -99.0 21.642 0.334 0.056 0.034 0.018 -99.0 0.033 -99.99 20.448 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.036 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02498 3.02 3.05 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122739_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122739_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122739_sky.fits 2.5
101122753 30.4584254 -5.97501 22.472 0.0319 W1P197 3 0.6884 4 1.8868 2 1 0.8644419 0.95 1 495130 23.9692 23.6087 23.0979 22.472 22.1946 0.0807 0.0377 0.0543 0.0319 0.0669 23.888 23.651 23.181 22.538 -99.0 22.376 0.067 0.032 0.033 0.027 -99.0 0.054 -99.99 21.47 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.085 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02443 3.3 3.24 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122753_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122753_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122753_sky.fits 4.2
101122801 31.1405439 -5.9743502 21.9931 0.0231 W1P199 4 0.6735 2 5.079 2 1 0.8180977 0.95 1 495315 24.0411 23.4595 22.6479 21.9931 21.7978 0.0991 0.0376 0.0428 0.0231 0.0549 23.987 23.453 22.827 22.045 -99.0 21.96 0.077 0.029 0.027 0.018 -99.0 0.039 -99.99 21.137 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.073 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02455 3.26 3.32 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122801_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122801_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122801_sky.fits 2.4
101122828 31.0717912 -5.9742678 22.0284 0.0303 W1P199 4 1.0256 2 2.5479 2 1 0.3577541 0.85 1 495297 23.602 23.2184 22.7289 22.0284 21.6311 0.0847 0.0382 0.0568 0.0303 0.0622 23.473 23.265 22.848 22.077 -99.0 21.791 0.053 0.026 0.03 0.021 -99.0 0.037 -99.99 20.689 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.053 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02465 4.14 4.08 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122828_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122828_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122828_sky.fits 2.4
101122841 30.8861933 -5.9690993 20.5761 0.0128 W1P198 4 0.4624 3 7.5852 2 1 0.4712625 0.97 1 497216 22.1943 21.6929 20.9007 20.5761 20.28 0.0376 0.0151 0.0168 0.0128 0.0268 22.17 21.71 20.994 20.624 -99.0 20.434 0.031 0.012 0.01 0.01 -99.0 0.02 -99.99 19.179 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.025 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02516 8.15 8.05 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122841_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122841_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122841_sky.fits 3.5
101122923 30.9212428 -5.9734244 21.7937 0.0196 W1P199 3 0.9231 2 2.3301 2 1 0.4158941 0.82 1 495552 24.7809 24.222 22.8999 21.7937 20.9644 0.2071 0.0762 0.0519 0.0196 0.0262 24.954 24.392 23.12 21.854 -99.0 21.132 0.214 0.075 0.038 0.017 -99.0 0.022 -99.99 19.312 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.014 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02568 3.65 3.55 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101122923_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101122923_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101122923_sky.fits 2.5
101123010 30.7066174 -5.9736928 22.3821 0.0436 W1P198 3 1.0367 2 2.4485 2 1 0.5700763 0.6 1 495375 23.5281 23.3842 22.9563 22.3821 21.805 0.0796 0.0473 0.0718 0.0436 0.0707 23.621 23.447 23.153 22.395 -99.0 22.017 0.057 0.029 0.036 0.025 -99.0 0.043 -99.99 20.915 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.057 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02231 3.73 3.65 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123010_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123010_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123010_sky.fits 2.5
101123096 30.4261876 -5.9726514 20.5232 0.0072 W1P197 3 0.4854 4 1.7758 2 1 0.7298969 0.98 1 495727 24.2309 22.7783 21.3238 20.5232 20.148 0.1377 0.0231 0.0144 0.0072 0.0137 24.196 22.772 21.392 20.556 -99.0 20.32 0.141 0.023 0.011 0.0070 -99.0 0.013 -99.99 19.153 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.016 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02449 3.46 3.46 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123096_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123096_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123096_sky.fits 4.2
101123161 31.139107 -5.9725545 22.4053 0.039 W1P199 4 0.6728 2 3.5346 2 1 0.761277 0.96 1 495613 23.94 23.2886 22.933 22.4053 22.408 0.1152 0.0371 0.0609 0.039 0.1241 23.701 23.318 22.993 22.366 -99.0 22.387 0.066 0.029 0.034 0.027 -99.0 0.065 -99.99 21.391 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.093 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02455 3.72 3.95 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123161_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123161_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123161_sky.fits 2.2
101123359 30.8949768 -5.9724561 22.258 0.0303 W1P198 4 0.9155 2 4.6018 2 1 0.3309735 0.89 1 495571 24.082 23.6644 23.1244 22.258 22.0172 0.1062 0.0465 0.0647 0.0303 0.0677 24.057 23.669 23.248 22.326 -99.0 22.092 0.083 0.034 0.038 0.024 -99.0 0.046 -99.99 21.073 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.065 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02529 3.59 3.53 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123359_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123359_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123359_sky.fits 2.5
101123385 30.4230875 -5.9707472 20.9981 0.0102 W1P197 3 0.6343 4 2.1444 2 1 0.6827216 0.969697 1 496096 24.2885 23.4138 21.9881 20.9981 20.5006 0.1345 0.0383 0.0255 0.0102 0.0172 24.145 23.437 22.07 21.033 -99.0 20.691 0.113 0.035 0.017 0.0090 -99.0 0.015 -99.99 19.269 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.016 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02446 3.62 3.61 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123385_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123385_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123385_sky.fits 4.4
101123448 30.4607269 -5.9713814 21.0347 0.0104 W1P197 3 0.6898 4 1.9567 2 1 1.0 1.0 1 495894 31.3618 24.0071 22.3219 21.0347 20.4895 86.8632 0.0646 0.0321 0.0104 0.0172 27.132 23.953 22.454 21.07 -99.0 20.664 1.768 0.057 0.024 0.01 -99.0 0.016 -99.99 19.073 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.013 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02437 3.64 3.66 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123448_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123448_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123448_sky.fits 4.4
101123479 30.8068106 -5.9709829 21.9167 0.0355 W1P198 4 0.922 9 4.5752 2 1 0.3921903 0.96 1 496044 22.8951 22.8476 22.6618 21.9167 21.8286 0.0582 0.035 0.0688 0.0355 0.0873 22.911 22.905 22.692 21.93 -99.0 21.896 0.041 0.023 0.031 0.022 -99.0 0.049 -99.99 21.215 -99.0 23.737 -99.99 0.092 -99.0 0.085 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02504 5.34 5.33 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123479_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123479_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123479_sky.fits 9.5
101123627 30.9075651 -5.970703 21.2437 0.0112 W1P199 3 0.725 4 2.1575 2 1 0.3803853 0.9 1 496000 24.4085 23.8196 22.4842 21.2437 20.873 0.1313 0.0491 0.0332 0.0112 0.0221 24.424 23.841 22.551 21.279 -99.0 21.022 0.132 0.046 0.023 0.011 -99.0 0.02 -99.99 19.864 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.026 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02544 2.96 2.98 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123627_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123627_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123627_sky.fits 4.4
101123681 31.0749018 -5.9701051 21.2261 0.0115 W1P199 4 0.6151 2 4.2335 2 1 0.3742266 0.989899 1 496141 25.9607 23.9516 22.2853 21.2261 20.7548 0.609 0.0588 0.0296 0.0115 0.0223 26.28 23.983 22.43 21.276 -99.0 20.953 0.786 0.056 0.022 0.011 -99.0 0.02 -99.99 19.527 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.02 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02458 3.48 3.49 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123681_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123681_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123681_sky.fits 2.4
101123711 30.9829262 -5.9709385 22.133 0.0201 W1P199 3 0.5266 3 1.9502 2 1 0.4093971 0.73 1 495809 27.1261 24.4661 23.0785 22.133 21.8498 1.3272 0.0717 0.0459 0.0201 0.0428 26.19 24.519 23.123 22.176 -99.0 22.043 0.503 0.063 0.029 0.018 -99.0 0.037 -99.99 20.803 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.054 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02634 2.54 2.53 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123711_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123711_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123711_sky.fits 3.4
101123720 30.9053804 -5.97025 21.7422 0.0169 W1P199 3 0.9198 4 2.1814 2 1 0.385795 0.99 1 496083 22.2836 22.2206 22.1498 21.7422 21.6695 0.0196 0.0115 0.024 0.0169 0.0436 22.229 22.23 22.224 21.778 -99.0 21.844 0.019 0.011 0.017 0.016 -99.0 0.039 -99.99 21.557 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.113 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02541 2.72 2.74 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123720_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123720_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123720_sky.fits 4.5
101123724 30.9900358 -5.9703885 22.0323 0.0226 W1P199 3 0.6653 4 3.4742 2 1 0.3652592 0.87 1 496031 24.099 23.3904 22.6963 22.0323 21.7752 0.1004 0.0333 0.0401 0.0226 0.0481 23.934 23.485 22.802 22.079 -99.0 21.915 0.074 0.029 0.025 0.018 -99.0 0.037 -99.99 21.121 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.081 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02624 3.3 3.29 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123724_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123724_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123724_sky.fits 4.4
101123730 30.9468057 -5.9692064 20.5542 0.0091 W1P199 3 0.6901 4 6.4186 2 1 0.3121946 0.97 1 496448 23.5171 22.4565 21.4644 20.5542 20.1213 0.0977 0.0213 0.0179 0.0091 0.0171 23.354 22.514 21.584 20.599 -99.0 20.31 0.078 0.019 0.013 0.0080 -99.0 0.015 -99.99 18.434 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.0080 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02612 4.7 4.75 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123730_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123730_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123730_sky.fits 4.2
101123840 31.1365528 -5.9687429 20.1966 0.0060 W1P199 4 0.5858 4 3.413 2 1 0.8642486 0.99 1 496500 22.9087 22.0344 20.9194 20.1966 19.8473 0.0467 0.0137 0.0117 0.0060 0.0124 22.868 22.065 21.018 20.244 -99.0 20.014 0.044 0.013 0.0080 0.0060 -99.0 0.011 -99.99 18.647 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.011 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02455 4.48 4.5 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123840_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123840_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123840_sky.fits 4.4
101123878 30.9387877 -5.9694518 22.2481 0.04 W1P199 3 1.0246 2 3.568 2 1 0.3735255 0.88 1 496230 22.8746 22.7352 22.5943 22.2481 21.7941 0.0401 0.0249 0.0471 0.04 0.0674 22.818 22.757 22.727 22.257 -99.0 22.085 0.032 0.018 0.027 0.028 -99.0 0.058 -99.99 21.585 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.118 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02599 3.99 4.13 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101123878_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101123878_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101123878_sky.fits 2.5
101124004 30.7043199 -5.9683843 21.7398 0.0236 W1P198 3 1.4101 19 3.1129 2 1 0.5709857 0.76 1 496521 22.2722 22.2683 21.9707 21.7398 21.1455 0.0246 0.0167 0.0285 0.0236 0.0373 22.2 22.276 21.944 21.743 -99.0 21.358 0.022 0.014 0.017 0.019 -99.0 0.032 -99.99 20.26 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.043 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02224 4.18 4.34 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124004_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124004_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124004_sky.fits 19.5
101124020 30.6161107 -5.9688267 22.2443 0.0511 W1P197 4 1.2106 1 3.749 2 1 0.4618684 0.66 1 496349 23.6544 23.5237 22.8532 22.2443 21.2195 0.1161 0.0656 0.0758 0.0511 0.0543 23.768 23.513 22.924 22.267 -99.0 21.538 0.092 0.041 0.037 0.033 -99.0 0.04 -99.99 20.054 -99.0 25.277 -99.99 0.033 -99.0 0.306 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02315 5.33 5.57 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124020_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124020_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124020_sky.fits 1.4
101124042 30.8517552 -5.968592 22.3713 0.0305 W1P198 4 0.9635 3 2.8866 2 1 0.4192526 0.77 1 496227 25.5136 25.2103 23.5533 22.3713 21.4703 0.3628 0.1738 0.0905 0.0305 0.0384 25.829 25.379 23.83 22.47 -99.0 21.712 0.379 0.148 0.063 0.024 -99.0 0.03 -99.99 19.982 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.022 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02508 3.19 3.11 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124042_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124042_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124042_sky.fits 3.5
101124076 31.0948065 -5.9677193 22.1594 0.0206 W1P199 4 0.4562 4 2.1369 2 1 0.5040747 0.96 1 496577 23.4561 23.2757 23.1433 22.1594 22.9327 0.0451 0.0245 0.0537 0.0206 0.1195 23.41 23.324 23.288 22.204 -99.0 23.099 0.04 0.022 0.036 0.018 -99.0 0.095 -99.99 21.948 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.136 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02453 2.44 2.45 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124076_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124076_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124076_sky.fits 4.2
101124111 30.4709997 -5.9630979 19.7551 0.0045 W1P197 3 0.5852 4 2.3785 2 1 0.7220133 0.989899 1 497826 22.7968 21.8484 20.5914 19.7551 19.3594 0.0475 0.0125 0.0093 0.0045 0.0089 22.681 21.851 20.637 19.765 -99.0 19.525 0.048 0.013 0.0080 0.0050 -99.0 0.0090 -99.99 18.311 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.01 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02425 4.07 4.17 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124111_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124111_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124111_sky.fits 4.5
101124121 30.8930937 -5.9689421 22.4503 0.0364 W1P198 4 0.6972 3 10.8263 2 1 0.3420366 0.96 1 496195 23.8333 23.4176 22.9005 22.4503 22.0872 0.0863 0.0374 0.0531 0.0364 0.0714 23.676 23.449 23.078 22.452 -99.0 22.222 0.06 0.029 0.033 0.026 -99.0 0.051 -99.99 21.97 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.159 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02524 3.52 3.51 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124121_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124121_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124121_sky.fits 3.2
101124133 30.7464196 -5.9678703 21.4442 0.0166 W1P198 3 0.7301 1 6.0104 2 1 0.229183 0.84 1 496570 24.6214 23.6621 22.5152 21.4442 21.0465 0.2074 0.054 0.0428 0.0166 0.0314 24.72 23.714 22.672 21.49 -99.0 21.194 0.198 0.046 0.029 0.014 -99.0 0.025 -99.99 19.371 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.017 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.0235 4.47 4.46 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124133_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124133_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124133_sky.fits 1.5
101124156 31.1261724 -5.9683763 21.8754 0.0164 W1P199 4 0.3361 1 2.1387 2 1 0.6201065 0.9292929 1 496334 23.4376 22.6838 22.7964 21.8754 21.7851 0.0448 0.015 0.0368 0.0164 0.0425 23.43 22.726 22.609 21.895 -99.0 22.005 0.042 0.014 0.02 0.015 -99.0 0.037 -99.99 20.616 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.04 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02455 2.2 2.23 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124156_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124156_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124156_sky.fits 1.2
101124157 30.5877424 -5.9686635 22.1499 0.0226 W1P197 4 0.5104 2 2.2898 2 1 0.617158 0.84 1 496263 26.1018 25.0343 22.8784 22.1499 21.6485 0.6464 0.1359 0.0429 0.0226 0.0434 26.26 24.956 23.0 22.159 -99.0 21.864 0.638 0.105 0.028 0.019 -99.0 0.035 -99.99 20.601 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.039 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02414 2.75 2.79 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124157_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124157_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124157_sky.fits 2.5
101124261 30.589789 -5.9680524 22.2041 0.022 W1P197 4 0.6914 4 1.6458 2 1 0.6046267 0.97 1 496440 23.9411 23.5558 22.9211 22.2041 22.0563 0.0758 0.0327 0.0412 0.022 0.0546 23.969 23.564 22.995 22.234 -99.0 22.2 0.073 0.028 0.027 0.019 -99.0 0.045 -99.99 21.18 -99.0 24.481 -99.99 0.066 -99.0 0.134 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02406 2.32 2.34 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124261_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124261_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124261_sky.fits 4.4
101124281 30.8967653 -5.9660494 22.0496 0.0212 W1P198 4 0.7288 2 2.8535 2 1 0.3308092 0.91 1 496778 25.3086 24.686 23.1998 22.0496 21.6029 0.273 0.0994 0.0584 0.0212 0.0384 25.41 24.642 23.253 22.096 -99.0 21.826 0.282 0.083 0.038 0.019 -99.0 0.035 -99.99 20.565 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.042 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02526 3.07 3.08 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124281_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124281_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124281_sky.fits 2.5
101124304 30.8738993 -5.9669079 21.9348 0.0288 W1P198 4 0.6016 1 5.244 2 1 0.6097329 0.8585859 1 496762 24.3292 23.7462 22.7773 21.9348 21.7425 0.1667 0.0639 0.0603 0.0288 0.0648 24.338 23.774 22.962 21.976 -99.0 21.79 0.124 0.043 0.035 0.019 -99.0 0.04 -99.99 20.366 -99.0 25.624 -99.99 0.041 -99.0 0.354 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02498 4.62 4.58 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124304_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124304_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124304_sky.fits 1.2
101124386 30.5374881 -5.9665997 21.6756 0.0282 W1P197 4 1.0308 9 3.7236 2 1 0.3213594 0.88 1 496772 23.0039 22.8427 22.3637 21.6756 21.0879 0.0673 0.0356 0.0515 0.0282 0.0458 22.952 22.891 22.502 21.713 -99.0 21.271 0.051 0.026 0.029 0.02 -99.0 0.032 -99.99 20.085 -99.0 23.915 -99.99 0.04 -99.0 0.112 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02469 5.75 5.74 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124386_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124386_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124386_sky.fits 9.5
101124415 30.465703 -5.9669252 21.2144 0.0094 W1P197 3 0.0 4 1.3595 2 1 1.0 0.0 1 496638 23.9807 22.9274 21.8417 21.2144 20.8194 0.0759 0.0187 0.0173 0.0094 0.018 23.978 22.936 21.912 21.25 -99.0 21.002 0.078 0.018 0.012 0.0090 -99.0 0.017 -99.99 20.582 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.048 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.0243 2.18 2.19 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124415_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124415_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124415_sky.fits 4.2
101124548 31.1321666 -5.9645155 21.6372 0.0217 W1P199 4 0.5848 4 6.6893 2 1 0.8261766 0.96 1 497325 23.5587 23.0927 22.1214 21.6372 21.4264 0.0844 0.0349 0.0327 0.0217 0.0533 23.528 23.112 22.258 21.636 -99.0 21.557 0.067 0.028 0.021 0.017 -99.0 0.038 -99.99 20.388 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.048 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02456 4.71 4.92 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124548_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124548_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124548_sky.fits 4.4
101124554 30.7840126 -5.966804 22.4575 0.0328 W1P198 4 1.525 12 1.8956 2 1 0.6284488 0.76 1 496586 24.1707 24.014 22.9368 22.4575 22.0725 0.0995 0.0578 0.0496 0.0328 0.0577 24.259 24.151 23.072 22.486 -99.0 22.304 0.096 0.05 0.031 0.025 -99.0 0.049 -99.99 20.209 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.027 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02469 2.61 2.59 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124554_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124554_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124554_sky.fits 12.2
101124576 31.0887327 -5.966107 22.443 0.0517 W1P199 4 1.1974 9 7.3885 2 1 0.5140059 0.5151515 1 496706 23.3346 23.2337 22.6135 22.443 21.862 0.0749 0.0456 0.0584 0.0517 0.0854 23.283 23.17 22.702 22.332 -99.0 21.811 0.054 0.03 0.034 0.032 -99.0 0.047 -99.99 20.539 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.057 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02452 4.1 4.26 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124576_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124576_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124576_sky.fits 9.4
101124580 31.0668617 -5.9665 22.348 0.0316 W1P199 4 0.6174 4 2.0884 2 1 0.4519644 0.85 1 496608 24.0811 23.6977 22.8469 22.348 21.9323 0.102 0.0467 0.0486 0.0316 0.061 24.143 23.745 22.995 22.408 -99.0 22.221 0.083 0.035 0.035 0.024 -99.0 0.046 -99.99 21.218 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.074 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.0247 3.49 3.46 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124580_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124580_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124580_sky.fits 4.5
101124610 30.5441941 -5.9657542 22.392 0.0329 W1P197 4 0.9023 3 2.2397 2 1 0.4156129 0.79 1 496847 23.9924 23.8119 23.4195 22.392 21.8773 0.1036 0.052 0.0822 0.0329 0.0595 23.895 23.849 23.441 22.383 -99.0 22.109 0.076 0.04 0.046 0.024 -99.0 0.046 -99.99 20.728 -99.0 25.001 -99.99 0.047 -99.0 0.193 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.0247 3.05 3.14 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124610_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124610_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124610_sky.fits 3.5
101124611 30.4763845 -5.9660647 22.2483 0.0295 W1P197 3 1.1226 3 2.8076 2 1 0.5211481 0.75 1 496766 23.4926 23.289 22.8953 22.2483 21.6741 0.0569 0.032 0.0507 0.0295 0.0447 23.484 23.375 23.006 22.288 -99.0 21.863 0.05 0.027 0.03 0.023 -99.0 0.036 -99.99 20.599 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.037 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02428 3.0 2.98 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124611_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124611_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124611_sky.fits 3.4
101124641 31.1191845 -5.9648986 20.8278 0.0090 W1P199 4 0.7808 4 3.3625 2 1 0.4524215 0.9393939 1 497120 22.1731 21.5353 21.3157 20.8278 20.4678 0.0206 0.0076 0.0142 0.0090 0.0185 22.125 21.576 21.381 20.874 -99.0 20.643 0.02 0.0070 0.01 0.0090 -99.0 0.016 -99.99 19.515 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.022 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02455 3.75 3.72 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124641_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124641_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124641_sky.fits 4.2
101124642 30.8443959 -5.9660441 21.438 0.0143 W1P198 4 0.795 2 2.5506 2 1 0.6307188 1.0 1 496770 25.1382 24.4309 22.7796 21.438 20.767 0.2656 0.091 0.0526 0.0143 0.0207 25.125 24.452 22.862 21.476 -99.0 20.988 0.246 0.079 0.032 0.013 -99.0 0.019 -99.99 19.273 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.013 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02507 3.22 3.26 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124642_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124642_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124642_sky.fits 2.5
101124691 30.4388725 -5.9647505 21.5482 0.0186 W1P197 3 0.8686 3 2.1849 2 1 0.6331987 0.969697 1 497123 22.7162 22.5875 22.2344 21.5482 21.4112 0.0357 0.0202 0.0335 0.0186 0.0454 22.69 22.633 22.327 21.559 -99.0 21.5 0.031 0.017 0.021 0.015 -99.0 0.033 -99.99 21.058 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.083 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02438 4.18 4.23 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124691_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124691_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124691_sky.fits 3.5
101124810 30.6139821 -5.964798 21.9886 0.0295 W1P197 4 0.9564 9 2.2857 2 1 0.4995573 0.98 1 497018 22.6577 22.6627 22.486 21.9886 21.8054 0.038 0.0261 0.0566 0.0295 0.0697 22.598 22.674 22.57 22.016 -99.0 22.085 0.033 0.021 0.031 0.023 -99.0 0.059 -99.99 21.593 -99.0 23.082 -99.99 0.119 -99.0 0.042 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02313 3.76 3.74 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124810_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124810_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124810_sky.fits 9.4
101124818 30.8704164 -5.9640886 22.2145 0.0516 W1P198 4 0.8974 1 5.9016 2 1 0.5342358 0.8585859 1 497255 23.6236 23.6224 23.0772 22.2145 21.8535 0.1178 0.0794 0.11 0.0516 0.0964 23.84 23.638 23.191 22.179 -99.0 21.95 0.09 0.044 0.047 0.027 -99.0 0.051 -99.99 20.596 -99.0 24.895 -99.99 0.056 -99.0 0.232 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02491 5.41 5.52 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124818_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124818_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124818_sky.fits 1.5
101124819 30.6066882 -5.9652715 22.45 0.029 W1P197 4 0.903 3 2.0381 2 1 0.5604567 0.89 1 496858 23.7612 23.6011 23.3747 22.45 22.1341 0.0692 0.0366 0.0639 0.029 0.0686 23.714 23.672 23.337 22.468 -99.0 22.261 0.062 0.034 0.037 0.025 -99.0 0.055 -99.99 21.721 -99.0 24.049 -99.99 0.104 -99.0 0.104 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02339 2.81 2.87 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124819_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124819_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124819_sky.fits 3.5
101124820 31.0541759 -5.9651272 21.5947 0.0146 W1P199 4 0.6462 4 2.7034 2 1 0.5503297 0.979798 1 496873 27.4049 24.333 22.7777 21.5947 21.0667 2.2415 0.0758 0.0503 0.0146 0.0244 -99.0 24.414 22.901 21.636 -99.0 21.302 -99.0 0.067 0.031 0.013 -99.0 0.021 -99.99 19.834 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.018 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02492 2.54 2.57 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124820_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124820_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124820_sky.fits 4.4
101124878 30.9547631 -5.9643976 22.1052 0.0378 W1P199 3 1.2052 3 3.9819 2 1 0.348913 0.79 1 497073 25.8319 24.0398 23.0907 22.1052 21.0909 0.7492 0.0942 0.0983 0.0378 0.0392 25.018 24.284 23.362 22.215 -99.0 21.355 0.242 0.072 0.051 0.025 -99.0 0.028 -99.99 19.356 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.017 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02621 5.17 5.25 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124878_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124878_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124878_sky.fits 3.2
101124879 30.6082503 -5.9647014 21.2528 0.0147 W1P197 4 0.5404 4 2.4917 2 1 0.5640636 0.96 1 497060 23.1661 22.6241 21.7418 21.2528 20.9395 0.0544 0.02 0.0193 0.0147 0.0328 23.102 22.648 21.808 21.271 -99.0 21.1 0.049 0.018 0.013 0.013 -99.0 0.028 -99.99 20.254 -99.0 23.793 -99.99 0.037 -99.0 0.085 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02332 3.76 3.76 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124879_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124879_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124879_sky.fits 4.4
101124901 30.8422176 -5.9642903 20.9993 0.0105 W1P198 4 0.6988 4 3.3548 2 1 0.6506662 0.98 1 497130 22.8257 22.2601 21.5551 20.9993 20.8716 0.036 0.0146 0.0223 0.0105 0.0269 22.789 22.284 21.688 21.031 -99.0 21.009 0.034 0.013 0.014 0.01 -99.0 0.023 -99.99 19.93 -99.0 23.614 -99.99 0.025 -99.0 0.076 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02504 3.4 3.39 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101124901_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101124901_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101124901_sky.fits 4.4
101125045 30.7343958 -5.9638735 22.0475 0.0223 W1P198 3 0.5888 4 2.0213 2 1 0.5137783 0.87 1 497132 23.794 23.3895 22.5038 22.0475 21.8825 0.0743 0.0328 0.0331 0.0223 0.0515 23.713 23.418 22.615 22.053 -99.0 22.072 0.063 0.028 0.023 0.018 -99.0 0.043 -99.99 20.832 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.051 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02299 3.1 3.13 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125045_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125045_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125045_sky.fits 4.5
101125110 30.8820446 -5.9628308 20.6238 0.0069 W1P198 4 0.7069 4 2.1618 2 1 0.5876666 1.0 1 497450 25.1144 23.365 21.8132 20.6238 20.1802 0.2723 0.0349 0.0197 0.0069 0.0125 24.795 23.376 21.897 20.663 -99.0 20.348 0.214 0.035 0.015 0.0070 -99.0 0.012 -99.99 19.029 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.014 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02506 3.07 3.06 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125110_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125110_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125110_sky.fits 4.5
101125128 30.8407317 -5.963585 22.1232 0.0236 W1P198 4 0.7006 4 2.332 2 1 0.6577267 0.95 1 497160 24.0593 23.4369 22.7497 22.1232 21.9346 0.0895 0.0334 0.055 0.0236 0.0582 24.022 23.48 22.921 22.157 -99.0 22.107 0.076 0.028 0.031 0.019 -99.0 0.047 -99.99 21.151 -99.0 24.157 -99.99 0.057 -99.0 0.131 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02503 2.85 2.83 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125128_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125128_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125128_sky.fits 4.4
101125217 30.4732777 -5.962366 22.1779 0.0297 W1P197 3 0.674 2 1.7869 2 1 0.6306333 0.79 1 497582 25.1252 24.2727 22.9363 22.1779 21.7035 0.2896 0.0837 0.0565 0.0297 0.0559 25.175 24.164 23.144 22.269 -99.0 22.007 0.214 0.05 0.032 0.021 -99.0 0.041 -99.99 20.492 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.034 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02424 3.04 2.94 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125217_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125217_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125217_sky.fits 2.5
101125264 30.658484 -5.9625177 22.4386 0.0422 W1P198 3 0.9289 1 3.4221 2 1 0.7489216 0.35 1 497452 24.5055 24.025 23.2621 22.4386 21.659 0.1917 0.0786 0.0874 0.0422 0.0605 24.217 24.011 23.376 22.406 -99.0 21.867 0.105 0.052 0.047 0.027 -99.0 0.04 -99.99 20.267 -99.0 25.584 -99.99 0.043 -99.0 0.446 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02181 4.06 4.11 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125264_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125264_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125264_sky.fits 1.4
101125265 31.0019093 -5.9614951 20.4367 0.0070 W1P199 3 0.6562 4 7.5756 2 1 0.3996698 1.0 1 497847 24.9511 23.2591 21.6741 20.4367 19.9147 0.2869 0.0382 0.0206 0.0070 0.0116 24.539 23.323 21.789 20.49 -99.0 20.107 0.186 0.036 0.015 0.0060 -99.0 0.011 -99.99 18.614 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.012 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02594 4.32 4.32 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125265_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125265_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125265_sky.fits 4.2
101125303 30.576738 -5.9619227 21.5344 0.0174 W1P197 4 0.6968 3 2.6251 2 1 0.6213305 0.95 1 497621 24.3719 23.3976 22.4674 21.5344 21.234 0.1662 0.0411 0.0398 0.0174 0.0371 24.094 23.391 22.498 21.584 -99.0 21.365 0.113 0.033 0.023 0.014 -99.0 0.028 -99.99 19.942 -99.0 25.118 -99.99 0.028 -99.0 0.221 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02426 3.85 3.82 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125303_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125303_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125303_sky.fits 3.5
101125389 30.6001234 -5.9618019 22.2058 0.0364 W1P197 4 0.5093 9 2.1342 2 1 0.5557315 0.81 1 497679 23.5023 23.3504 22.8 22.2058 21.8341 0.0881 0.0447 0.0609 0.0364 0.0765 23.445 23.408 22.846 22.147 -99.0 21.884 0.063 0.034 0.032 0.024 -99.0 0.047 -99.99 20.621 -99.0 25.1 -99.99 0.051 -99.0 0.336 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02355 3.86 3.98 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125389_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125389_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125389_sky.fits 9.2
101125449 30.9231481 -5.9619742 22.2419 0.0262 W1P199 3 0.9199 3 3.5079 2 1 0.3042343 0.73 1 497749 25.774 25.6201 23.7585 22.2419 21.4125 0.4539 0.2462 0.1013 0.0262 0.0337 26.356 25.451 23.824 22.301 -99.0 21.658 0.62 0.16 0.058 0.021 -99.0 0.027 -99.99 20.001 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.022 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02563 3.04 3.01 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125449_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125449_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125449_sky.fits 3.5
101125510 30.3895648 -5.9611388 22.1152 0.0292 W1P197 3 0.3838 1 2.3962 2 1 0.3945411 0.8484848 1 497655 24.5049 23.727 22.8884 22.1152 21.7206 0.1769 0.0478 0.0487 0.0292 0.0587 24.522 23.943 23.035 22.228 -99.0 22.004 0.136 0.044 0.029 0.024 -99.0 0.045 -99.99 20.858 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.05 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02413 3.59 3.37 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125510_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125510_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125510_sky.fits 1.2
101125512 31.1234131 -5.9593759 20.6311 0.0094 W1P199 4 0.6354 3 9.4386 2 1 0.4534582 1.0 1 498506 24.9627 23.3449 21.743 20.6311 20.122 0.3438 0.0471 0.025 0.0094 0.0177 24.775 23.245 21.733 20.637 -99.0 20.291 0.273 0.041 0.017 0.0090 -99.0 0.015 -99.99 18.715 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.013 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02455 5.07 5.33 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125512_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125512_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125512_sky.fits 3.5
101125542 30.94525 -5.9597203 21.5121 0.0208 W1P199 3 0.6896 4 3.0663 2 1 0.3303828 0.9191919 1 498019 23.3555 22.7907 22.2049 21.5121 21.0933 0.0781 0.0308 0.0469 0.0208 0.0386 23.244 22.865 22.259 21.546 -99.0 21.38 0.057 0.024 0.027 0.015 -99.0 0.031 -99.99 20.444 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.042 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02606 4.39 4.38 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125542_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125542_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125542_sky.fits 4.4
101125565 30.5654262 -5.9610774 22.3805 0.0274 W1P197 4 0.7324 4 1.9757 2 1 0.5482671 0.979798 1 497668 23.6835 23.4631 22.9748 22.3805 22.1225 0.0669 0.032 0.0462 0.0274 0.0626 23.708 23.479 23.088 22.401 -99.0 22.295 0.063 0.028 0.031 0.023 -99.0 0.051 -99.99 21.666 -99.0 24.286 -99.99 0.104 -99.0 0.135 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02445 2.62 2.62 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125565_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125565_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125565_sky.fits 4.2
101125595 31.0923398 -5.9600833 20.6977 0.0075 W1P199 4 0.7308 4 2.7689 2 1 0.5680148 1.0 1 498009 24.4204 23.1682 21.9264 20.6977 20.2896 0.1436 0.0302 0.0223 0.0075 0.0143 24.512 23.241 22.072 20.759 -99.0 20.433 0.149 0.029 0.016 0.0070 -99.0 0.012 -99.99 18.885 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.011 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02455 3.44 3.45 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125595_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125595_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125595_sky.fits 4.5
101125598 30.7225222 -5.9614062 22.3874 0.0327 W1P198 3 0.9468 9 2.0529 2 1 0.4766856 0.77 1 497577 24.5443 23.8125 23.043 22.3874 22.248 0.1649 0.0541 0.0705 0.0327 0.0839 24.334 23.879 23.23 22.395 -99.0 22.263 0.115 0.049 0.046 0.028 -99.0 0.058 -99.99 20.9 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.052 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02257 3.2 3.19 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125598_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125598_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125598_sky.fits 9.2
101125655 30.4280751 -5.9605953 21.8162 0.0193 W1P197 3 0.6906 4 1.9474 2 1 0.7537574 0.92 1 497800 23.5096 23.1234 22.4063 21.8162 21.6036 0.0586 0.027 0.0321 0.0193 0.0418 23.429 23.14 22.545 21.833 -99.0 21.809 0.051 0.023 0.022 0.016 -99.0 0.036 -99.99 21.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.063 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02434 3.45 3.46 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125655_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125655_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125655_sky.fits 4.4
101125685 30.8322179 -5.960976 22.01 0.0218 W1P198 4 0.5622 4 2.7727 2 1 0.711195 0.95 1 497682 23.4814 23.1196 22.3825 22.01 21.7668 0.0551 0.024 0.0367 0.0218 0.0486 23.405 23.15 22.438 22.041 -99.0 21.925 0.05 0.022 0.021 0.02 -99.0 0.042 -99.99 21.129 -99.0 23.97 -99.99 0.057 -99.0 0.12 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02499 2.42 2.42 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125685_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125685_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125685_sky.fits 4.4
101125692 30.5664562 -5.9611735 22.864 0.0407 W1P197 4 0.0 21 1.7065 2 1 0.0 0.0 -2 \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N spec1D/VIPERS_101125692_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125692_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125692_sky.fits 21.2
101125694 30.9573393 -5.9606002 21.6945 0.0149 W1P199 3 0.6107 2 2.1806 2 1 0.3503197 0.9090909 1 497745 24.6426 23.5563 22.7041 21.6945 21.339 0.1456 0.0344 0.0358 0.0149 0.029 24.648 23.598 22.837 21.751 -99.0 21.527 0.135 0.03 0.03 0.013 -99.0 0.025 -99.99 19.973 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.022 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02624 2.8 2.77 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125694_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125694_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125694_sky.fits 2.2
101125721 30.6356424 -5.957123 21.1728 0.0114 W1P198 3 0.545 1 4.9004 2 1 0.5358473 0.83 1 498967 23.5976 22.7698 21.7628 21.1728 20.7878 0.0699 0.0213 0.0194 0.0114 0.0228 23.574 22.78 21.809 21.212 -99.0 20.983 0.067 0.02 0.013 0.011 -99.0 0.02 -99.99 19.762 -99.0 24.997 -99.99 0.025 -99.0 0.237 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02244 3.55 3.57 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125721_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125721_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125721_sky.fits 1.2
101125750 30.6880789 -5.9602597 21.9079 0.0253 W1P198 3 1.0357 1 2.5395 2 1 0.6077134 0.75 1 497862 23.6692 23.125 22.4487 21.9079 21.4632 0.0845 0.0333 0.042 0.0253 0.0485 23.471 23.119 22.593 21.962 -99.0 21.65 0.06 0.026 0.026 0.02 -99.0 0.037 -99.99 20.557 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.049 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02197 4.22 4.19 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125750_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125750_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125750_sky.fits 1.4
101125788 31.1421573 -5.9589165 21.2594 0.0143 W1P199 4 0.411 4 4.6615 2 1 0.461383 0.91 1 498305 23.2179 22.6157 21.65 21.2594 20.9233 0.0562 0.0212 0.02 0.0143 0.0302 23.245 22.637 21.743 21.282 -99.0 21.067 0.052 0.019 0.013 0.012 -99.0 0.024 -99.99 19.803 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.026 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02457 4.33 4.38 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125788_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125788_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125788_sky.fits 4.5
101125856 30.6192145 -5.960317 21.8559 0.0205 W1P197 4 0.8224 3 1.7642 2 1 0.4951929 0.96 1 497764 25.8819 24.6105 23.0808 21.8559 21.1738 0.4692 0.1053 0.0656 0.0205 0.0297 25.64 24.686 23.258 21.916 -99.0 21.362 0.334 0.087 0.039 0.017 -99.0 0.025 -99.99 19.658 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.017 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02293 3.04 3.02 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125856_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125856_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125856_sky.fits 3.5
101125919 30.4627651 -5.9598397 22.1773 0.0216 W1P197 3 0.4344 3 1.3917 2 1 0.9621483 0.89 1 497883 24.2206 23.5816 22.5718 22.1773 22.0336 0.0914 0.0324 0.03 0.0216 0.0514 24.15 23.566 22.69 22.197 -99.0 22.102 0.08 0.028 0.021 0.019 -99.0 0.04 -99.99 21.209 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.069 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02426 2.39 2.39 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125919_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125919_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125919_sky.fits 3.2
101125958 30.8220686 -5.955433 21.22 0.0201 W1P198 4 1.0362 3 3.2745 2 1 0.5957434 0.96 1 499449 24.7347 24.4675 22.4587 21.22 20.302 0.3164 0.1663 0.0666 0.0201 0.0219 25.385 24.538 22.608 21.325 -99.0 20.588 0.464 0.123 0.037 0.015 -99.0 0.018 -99.99 18.614 -99.0 28.301 -99.99 0.0090 -99.0 5.04 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02487 5.96 5.9 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101125958_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101125958_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101125958_sky.fits 3.5
101126087 30.5827726 -5.9583108 20.7875 0.0077 W1P197 4 0.0 4 2.0901 2 1 0.0 0.0 -1 498363 21.6601 20.96 20.814 20.7875 20.7437 0.0127 0.0043 0.0081 0.0077 0.0203 21.556 20.975 20.886 20.835 -99.0 20.916 0.013 0.0040 0.0060 0.0080 -99.0 0.021 -99.99 21.142 -99.0 23.502 -99.99 0.092 -99.0 0.064 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02403 2.29 2.26 -1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101126087_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101126087_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101126087_sky.fits 4.2
101126090 30.883329 -5.9584916 20.8376 0.0093 W1P198 4 0.4634 3 7.7087 2 1 0.5880223 0.979798 1 498271 23.4894 22.6261 21.3981 20.8376 20.4869 0.0703 0.0201 0.0151 0.0093 0.0188 23.452 22.638 21.482 20.862 -99.0 20.626 0.066 0.019 0.011 0.0090 -99.0 0.017 -99.99 19.582 -99.0 -99.0 -99.99 0.023 -99.0 -99.0 -0.04 0.0020 0.0496 0.02505 3.71 3.74 1 1 1 spec1D/VIPERS_101126090_bis.fits spec1Dnoise/VIPERS_101126090_noise.fits spec1DSky/VIPERS_101126090_sky.fits 3.5
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product_id integer NOT NULL,
obs_id bigint,
acronym character varying(20) NOT NULL,
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program character varying(45) NOT NULL,
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(2, 1, 'OBLC_ECL', '', '{"1": {"CARD": "OBLC_ECL", "DATE": "2019-11-22T15:11:37 UTC", "NAXIS": 0, "BITPIX": 8, "E0_MAX": 20.0, "E0_MIN": 4.0, "E1_MAX": 50.0, "E1_MIN": 20.0, "E2_MAX": 80.0, "E2_MIN": 50.0, "E3_MAX": 120.0, "E3_MIN": 80.0, "EXTEND": true, "OBS_ID": 1, "SIMPLE": true, "TB0ABS": 71142892, "CONTENT": "ECLAIRs VHF LightCurve (reconstructed from VHF packets)", "MISSING": "Missing flag: 0 is not from missing packet, 1 estimated counts (1st missing packet), 2 estimated counts (following missing packet)", "POS_LAT": 0.0, "POS_LON": 0.0, "INSTRUME": "ECLAIRS", "TELESCOP": "SVOM"}, "HRSAMPLES": {"NAXIS": 2, "BITPIX": 8, "GCOUNT": 1, "NAXIS1": 30, "NAXIS2": 88, "PCOUNT": 0, "TFORM1": "E", "TFORM2": "I", "TFORM3": "E", "TFORM4": "E", "TFORM5": "E", "TFORM6": "E", "TFORM7": "E", "TFORM8": "E", "TTYPE1": "Time", "TTYPE2": "Missing", "TTYPE3": "CntEbd0", "TTYPE4": "CntEbd1", "TTYPE5": "CntEbd2", "TTYPE6": "CntEbd3", "TTYPE7": "CntEsat", "TTYPE8": "CntMult", "EXTNAME": "HRSAMPLES", "HRSAMPL": "ECLAIRs VHF LC HRsamples (Hi Resolution: 0.1 s samples)", "TFIELDS": 8, "XTENSION": "BINTABLE"}, "LRSAMPLES": {"NAXIS": 2, "BITPIX": 8, "GCOUNT": 1, "NAXIS1": 30, "NAXIS2": 80, "PCOUNT": 0, "TFORM1": "E", "TFORM2": "I", "TFORM3": "E", "TFORM4": "E", "TFORM5": "E", "TFORM6": "E", "TFORM7": "E", "TFORM8": "E", "TTYPE1": "Time", "TTYPE2": "Missing", "TTYPE3": "CntEbd0", "TTYPE4": "CntEbd1", "TTYPE5": "CntEbd2", "TTYPE6": "CntEbd3", "TTYPE7": "CntEsat", "TTYPE8": "CntMult", "EXTNAME": "LRSAMPLES", "LRSAMPL": "ECLAIRs VHF LC LRsamples (Low Resolution: 6.4 s samples)", "TFIELDS": 8, "XTENSION": "BINTABLE"}, "MRSAMPLES": {"NAXIS": 2, "BITPIX": 8, "GCOUNT": 1, "NAXIS1": 30, "NAXIS2": 88, "PCOUNT": 0, "TFORM1": "E", "TFORM2": "I", "TFORM3": "E", "TFORM4": "E", "TFORM5": "E", "TFORM6": "E", "TFORM7": "E", "TFORM8": "E", "TTYPE1": "Time", "TTYPE2": "Missing", "TTYPE3": "CntEbd0", "TTYPE4": "CntEbd1", "TTYPE5": "CntEbd2", "TTYPE6": "CntEbd3", "TTYPE7": "CntEsat", "TTYPE8": "CntMult", "EXTNAME": "MRSAMPLES", "MRSAMPL": "ECLAIRs VHF LC MRsamples (Mid Resolution: 0.8 s samples)", "TFIELDS": 8, "XTENSION": "BINTABLE"}}', '2019-11-22 15:12:04.621652', 0, 'CoreProgram', 'ECL', 'OBLC', '/home/svom/oblc/data/fits/OBLC_ECL-1300.fits', '0', 0, 0, 0),
(5, 1, 'ECL-DET-UBC', '', '{"1": {"CARD": "ECL-DET-UBC", "DATE": "2019-11-29T17:19:47", "APID_": "1", "DEADC": "", "NAXIS": 0, "STAMP": "", "TSTOP": 10.0, "BITPIX": 8, "EXTEND": true, "EXTREL": "", "MJDREF": 57754.0, "OBS_ID": "1", "ONTIME": 10.0, "ORIGIN": "FSC", "RA_PNT": 0.0, "SIMPLE": true, "SIMUID": "01", "TSTART": 0.0, "CREATOR": "ProcessBubeWithFiles", "DATASUM": "0", "DEC_PNT": 0.0, "FSCLEVL": "1", "HDUVERS": "1.1.0", "SIMFLAG": 1, "TELAPSE": "", "TIMEREF": "LOCAL", "TIMESYS": "TT", "CHECKSUM": "2bnR3ZnQ2bnQ2ZnQ", "CONFIGUR": "", "DATAMODE": "", "DATATYPE": "", "EXPOSURE": 10, "HDUCLASS": "OGIP", "INSTRUME": "ECL", "LONGSTRN": "OGIP 1.0", "OBSBOUND": "", "OBS_TYPE": "", "RADECSYS": "FK5", "TELESCOP": "SVOM", "TIMEUNIT": "s"}, "GROUPING": {"CARD": "", "DATE": "2019-11-29T17:19:47", "APID_": "1", "DEADC": "", "NAXIS": 2, "STAMP": "", "TSTOP": 10.0, "BITPIX": 8, "EXTREL": "", "EXTVER": "1", "GCOUNT": 1, "GRPID1": "-1", "GRPLC1": "", "MJDREF": 57754.0, "NAXIS1": 343, "NAXIS2": 5, "OBS_ID": "1", "ONTIME": "", "ORIGIN": "FSC", "PCOUNT": 0, "RA_PNT": 0.0, "SIMUID": "01", "TFORM1": "8A", "TFORM2": "32A", "TFORM3": "J", "TFORM4": "J", "TFORM5": "256A", "TFORM6": "3A", "TFORM7": "20A", "TFORM8": "E", "TFORM9": "E", "TSTART": 0.0, "TTYPE1": "member_xtension", "TTYPE2": "member_name", "TTYPE3": "member_version", "TTYPE4": "member_position", "TTYPE5": "member_location", "TTYPE6": "member_uri_type", "TTYPE7": "imatype", "TTYPE8": "chanmin", "TTYPE9": "chanmax", "CREATOR": "ProcessBubeWithFiles", "DATASUM": "2877723807", "DEC_PNT": 0.0, "EXTNAME": "GROUPING", "FSCLEVL": "1", "GRPNAME": "ECL-DET-UBC-GRP", "HDUVERS": "1.1.0", "SIMFLAG": 1, "TELAPSE": "", "TFIELDS": 11, "TFORM10": "E", "TFORM11": "E", "TIMEREF": "LOCAL", "TIMESYS": "TT", "TTYPE10": "e_min", "TTYPE11": "e_max", "TUNIT10": "keV", "TUNIT11": "keV", "CHECKSUM": "5CMl89Ki5CKi59Ki", "CONFIGUR": "", "DATAMODE": "", "DATATYPE": "", "DATE-END": "", "DATE-OBS": "", "EXPOSURE": 10, "HDUCLASS": "OGIP", "INSTRUME": "ECL", "LONGSTRN": "OGIP 1.0", "OBSBOUND": "", "OBS_TYPE": "", "RADECSYS": "FK5", "TELESCOP": "SVOM", "TIMEUNIT": "s", "XTENSION": "BINTABLE"}, "SHADOWGRAMCORR": {"DATE": "2019-11-29T17:19:47", "APID_": "1", "BUNIT": "cts.s^^-2", "E_MAX": 764, "E_MIN": 465, "NAXIS": 2, "STAMP": "", "TSTOP": 10.0, "BITPIX": -32, "EXTREL": "", "GCOUNT": 1, "MJDREF": 57754.0, "NAXIS1": 80, "NAXIS2": 80, "OBS_ID": "1", "ORIGIN": "FSC", "PCOUNT": 0, "SIMUID": "01", "TSTART": 0.0, "CHANMAX": 764, "CHANMIN": 465, "CREATOR": "ProcessBubeWithFiles", "DATASUM": "526231649", "EXTNAME": "SHADOWGRAMCORR", "FSCLEVL": "1", "HDUVERS": "1.1.0", "IMATYPE": "Intensity", "SIMFLAG": 1, "TELAPSE": "", "TIMEREF": "LOCAL", "TIMESYS": "TT", "CHECKSUM": "UHUMa9UJWGUJa9UJ", "CONFIGUR": "", "DATAMODE": "", "DATATYPE": "", "EXPOSURE": 10, "HDUCLASS": "OGIP", "INSTRUME": "ECL", "LONGSTRN": "OGIP 1.0", "OBSBOUND": "", "OBS_TYPE": "", "TELESCOP": "SVOM", "TIMEUNIT": "s", "XTENSION": "IMAGE"}}', '2019-11-29 16:16:44.204881', 0, 'GeneralProgram', 'ECL', 'DET', 'ECL-DET-UBC-UTC18581117T000000.fits', '0', 0, 0, 0);
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vvds_ident numeric NOT NULL,
id_iau varchar(255),
alpha numeric,
delta numeric,
z_spec numeric,
zflag numeric,
sel_mag numeric
ALTER TABLE public.aspic_vvds_f02_udeep OWNER TO anis;
COPY public.aspic_vvds_f02_udeep FROM stdin DELIMITER ',' NULL '';