import { Column, FileInfo } from 'src/app/admin/store/models';
export const DATABASE_LIST: Database[] = [
id: 1,
label: 'database one',
dbname: 'database-one',
dbtype: 'type',
dbhost: 'host',
dbport: 1234,
dblogin: 'login',
dbpassword: 'pwd'
id: 2,
label: 'database two',
dbname: 'database-two',
dbtype: 'type',
dbhost: 'host',
dbport: 1234,
dblogin: 'login',
dbpassword: 'pwd'
export const DATABASE: Database = {
id: 1,
label: 'my database',
dbname: 'myDatabase',
dbtype: 'type',
dbhost: 'host',
dbport: 1234,
dblogin: 'login',
dbpassword: 'pwd'
export const INSTANCE_LIST: Instance[] = [
name: 'myOtherInstance',
label: 'My Other Instance',
scientific_manager: 'M. Dupont',
instrument: 'Multiple',
wavelength_domain: 'Visible',
portal_logo: '',
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progress_bar_subtitle: 'Select a dataset, add criteria, select output columns and display the result.',
progress_bar_step_dataset_title: 'Dataset selection',
progress_bar_step_criteria_title: 'Search criteria',
progress_bar_step_output_title: 'Output columns',
progress_bar_step_result_title: 'Result table',
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search_by_criteria_label: 'Search',
search_multiple_allowed: false,
search_multiple_label: 'Search multiple',
search_multiple_all_datasets_selected: false,
documentation_allowed: false,
documentation_label: 'Documentation',
nb_dataset_families: 2,
nb_datasets: 1
name: 'myInstance',
label: 'My Instance',
scientific_manager: 'M. Dupont',
instrument: 'Multiple',
wavelength_domain: 'Visible',
portal_logo: 'logo.png',
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design_background_color: 'darker green',
design_logo: 'path/to/logo',
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progress_bar_subtitle: 'Select a dataset, add criteria, select output columns and display the result.',
progress_bar_step_dataset_title: 'Dataset selection',
progress_bar_step_criteria_title: 'Search criteria',
progress_bar_step_output_title: 'Output columns',
progress_bar_step_result_title: 'Result table',
progress_bar_color: '#E9ECEF',
progress_bar_active_color: '#7AC29A',
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search_multiple_label: 'Search multiple',
search_multiple_all_datasets_selected: false,
documentation_allowed: false,
documentation_label: 'Documentation',
nb_dataset_families: 1,
nb_datasets: 2
export const INSTANCE: Instance = {
name: 'myInstance',
label: 'My Instance',
scientific_manager: 'M. Dupont',
instrument: 'Multiple',
wavelength_domain: 'Visible',
portal_logo: 'logo.png',
design_color: 'green',
design_background_color: 'darker green',
design_logo: '/path/to/logo',
design_favicon: '/path/to/favicon',
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progress_bar_subtitle: 'Select a dataset, add criteria, select output columns and display the result.',
progress_bar_step_dataset_title: 'Dataset selection',
progress_bar_step_criteria_title: 'Search criteria',
progress_bar_step_output_title: 'Output columns',
progress_bar_step_result_title: 'Result table',
progress_bar_color: '#E9ECEF',
progress_bar_active_color: '#7AC29A',
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result_datatable_link_hover_color: '#0056B3',
result_datatable_rows_selected_color: '#7AC29A',
search_by_criteria_allowed: false,
search_by_criteria_label: 'Search',
search_multiple_allowed: false,
search_multiple_label: 'Search multiple',
search_multiple_all_datasets_selected: false,
documentation_allowed: false,
documentation_label: 'Documentation',
nb_dataset_families: 1,
nb_datasets: 2
id: 1,
role: 'admin',
instance_name: 'myInstance',
datasets: ['myDataset', 'otherDataset']
id: 2,
role: 'guest',
instance_name: 'myInstance',
datasets: ['myDataset', 'otherDataset']
id: 1,
role: 'admin',
instance_name: 'myInstance',
datasets: ['myDataset', 'otherDataset']
export const DATASET_FAMILY_LIST: DatasetFamily[] = [
{ id: 2, label: 'My second dataset family', display: 2, opened: false },
{ id: 1, label: 'My first dataset family', display: 1, opened: true }
export const DATASET_FAMILY: DatasetFamily = { id: 1, label: 'My first dataset family', display: 1, opened: true };
export const DATASET_LIST: Dataset[] = [
name: 'myDataset',
table_ref: 'table',
label: 'my dataset',
description: 'This is my dataset',
display: 1,
data_path: 'path',
public: true,
download_csv: true,
download_ascii: true,
download_vo: true,
server_link_enabled: true,
datatable_enabled: true,
datatable_selectable_rows: true,
cone_search_config_id: 1,
id_database: 1,
id_dataset_family: 1,
full_data_path: '/data/path',
name: 'anotherDataset',
table_ref: 'table',
label: 'amother dataset',
description: 'This is another dataset',
display: 2,
data_path: 'path',
public: true,
download_csv: true,
download_ascii: true,
download_vo: true,
server_link_enabled: true,
datatable_enabled: true,
datatable_selectable_rows: true,
cone_search_config_id: null,
id_database: 1,
id_dataset_family: 1,
full_data_path: '/data/path'
export const DATASET: Dataset = {
name: 'myDataset',
table_ref: 'table',
label: 'my dataset',
description: 'This is my dataset',
display: 1,
data_path: 'path',
public: true,
download_csv: true,
download_ascii: true,
download_vo: true,
server_link_enabled: true,
datatable_enabled: true,
datatable_selectable_rows: true,
cone_search_config_id: 1,
id_database: 1,
id_dataset_family: 1,
full_data_path: '/data/path'
export const ATTRIBUTE_LIST: Attribute[] = [
id: 1,
name: 'name_one',
label: 'label_one',
form_label: 'form_label_one',
description: 'description_one',
primary_key: true,
type: 'integer',
search_type: 'field',
operator: '=',
min: null,
max: null,
placeholder_min: null,
placeholder_max: null,
criteria_display: 2,
output_display: 2,
selected: true,
renderer: null,
renderer_config: null,
order_by: true,
archive: false,
detail_renderer: null,
detail_renderer_config: null,
options: [
{ label: 'Three', value: 'three', display: 3 },
{ label: 'One', value: 'one', display: 1 },
{ label: 'Two', value: 'two', display: 2 }
vo_utype: null,
vo_ucd: null,
vo_unit: null,
vo_description: null,
vo_datatype: null,
vo_size: null,
id_criteria_family: null,
id_output_category: 2,
id_detail_output_category: null
id: 2,
name: 'name_two',
label: 'label_two',
form_label: 'form_label_two',
description: 'description_two',
min: null,
max: null,
placeholder_min: null,
placeholder_max: null,
criteria_display: 2,
output_display: 2,
selected: true,
renderer: null,
renderer_config: null,
order_by: true,
archive: false,
detail_renderer: null,
detail_renderer_config: null,
options: [
{ label: 'Three', value: 'three', display: 3 },
{ label: 'One', value: 'one', display: 1 },
{ label: 'Two', value: 'two', display: 2 }
vo_utype: null,
vo_ucd: null,
vo_unit: null,
vo_description: null,
vo_datatype: null,
vo_size: null,
id_criteria_family: 1,
id_output_category: 1,
id_detail_output_category: null
id: 3,
name: 'name_three',
label: 'label_three',
form_label: 'form_label_three',
description: 'description_three',
type: 'integer',
search_type: 'field',
operator: '=',
min: null,
max: null,
placeholder_min: null,
placeholder_max: null,
criteria_display: 3,
output_display: 3,
selected: true,
renderer: null,
renderer_config: null,
detail_renderer: null,
detail_renderer_config: null,
options: [
{ label: 'Three', value: 'three', display: 3 },
{ label: 'One', value: 'one', display: 1 },
{ label: 'Two', value: 'two', display: 2 }
vo_utype: null,
vo_ucd: null,
vo_unit: null,
vo_description: null,
vo_datatype: null,
vo_size: null,
id_criteria_family: null,
id_output_category: null,
id_detail_output_category: null
id: 4,
name: 'name_four',
label: 'label_four',
form_label: 'form_label_four',
description: 'description_four',
min: null,
max: null,
placeholder_min: null,
placeholder_max: null,
criteria_display: 4,
output_display: 4,
selected: true,
renderer: null,
renderer_config: null,
order_by: true,
archive: false,
detail_renderer: null,
detail_renderer_config: null,
options: [
{ label: 'Three', value: 'three', display: 3 },
{ label: 'One', value: 'one', display: 1 },
{ label: 'Two', value: 'two', display: 2 }
vo_utype: null,
vo_ucd: null,
vo_unit: null,
vo_description: null,
vo_datatype: null,
vo_size: null,
id_criteria_family: null,
id_output_category: 1,
export const ATTRIBUTE: Attribute = {
id: 1,
name: 'name_one',
label: 'label_one',
form_label: 'form_label_one',
description: 'description_one',
search_type: 'field',
operator: '=',
min: null,
max: null,
placeholder_min: null,
placeholder_max: null,
criteria_display: 2,
output_display: 2,
selected: true,
renderer: null,
renderer_config: null,
order_by: true,
detail_renderer: null,
detail_renderer_config: null,
options: [
{ label: 'Three', value: 'three', display: 3 },
{ label: 'One', value: 'one', display: 1 },
{ label: 'Two', value: 'two', display: 2 }
vo_utype: null,
vo_ucd: null,
vo_unit: null,
vo_description: null,
vo_datatype: null,
vo_size: null,
id_criteria_family: null,
id_output_category: 2,
id_detail_output_category: null
export const COLUMN_LIST: Column[] = [
{ name: 'myCol', type: 'type' },
{ name: 'anotherCol', type: 'type' }
export const COLUMN: Column = { name: 'myCol', type: 'type' };
export const CATEGORY_LIST: OutputCategory[] = [
id: 1,
label: 'Another output category',
display: 20,
id_output_family: 1
id: 3,
label: 'The last output category',
display: 10,
id_output_family: 2
id: 2,
label: 'Default output category',
display: 10,
id_output_family: 1
export const CATEGORY: OutputCategory = {
id: 1,
label: 'Another output category',
display: 20,
id_output_family: 1
export const OUTPUT_FAMILY_LIST: OutputFamily[] = [
{ id: 2, label: 'Output family Two', display: 2, opened: true },
{ id: 1, label: 'Output family One', display: 1, opened: false }
export const OUTPUT_FAMILY: OutputFamily = { id: 1, label: 'Output family One', display: 1, opened: false };
export const CRITERIA_FAMILY_LIST: CriteriaFamily[] = [
id: 1,
label: 'myCriteriaFamily',
display: 1,
opened: true
id: 2,
label: 'anotherCriteriaFamily',
display: 1,
opened: true
export const CRITERIA_FAMILY: CriteriaFamily = {
id: 1,
label: 'myCriteriaFamily',
display: 1,
opened: true
export const OBJECT_DETAIL: any = {
label_four: 'spec1d',
label_five: 5
export const FILES: FileInfo[] = [
{ name: 'file-one', size: 1, type: 'type', mimetype: 'mimetype' },
{ name: 'file-two', size: 2, type: 'type', mimetype: 'mimetype' },