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  • 108-tests-client-tester-le-module-instance-search-multiple
  • 108-tests-client-tester-le-module-instance-webpage-2
  • 112-correctifs-client-2
  • 116-admin-importer-ou-exporter-un-dataset
  • 117-menu-ajouter-un-lien-ext-2
  • 124-developper-un-component-dynamique-pour-afficher-une-courbe-x-y
  • 42-critere-multiple-par-attribut
  • 43-quand-un-dataset-est-plie-par-defaut-le-selectionner-le-replie
  • 45-changer-l-ordre-des-colonnes-datatable
  • 55-ameliorer-l-affichage-du-direct-link
  • 59-pas-de-bouton-pour-ajouter-le-critere-de-cone-search-quand-on-fait-une-recherche-avec-le
  • change_workflow
  • develop default protected
  • master protected
  • test-null-not-null
  • with-ngrx
  • 3.7-beta-1
  • 3.7
  • kp-4
19 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.022Jun2115141098732131May302524191817161211103228Apr272625212019151413118764131Mar30292825242322171615141311987432128Feb242311331Jan2820191714131021Dec2017161514137632130Nov2423223228Oct27262518158654130Sep2928272423222120171615131087632131Aug302726252419543230Jul292827262322212019131210987652130Jun29282725242321181716Webpages instance menuAdd distinct navbars (admin, portal, instance)Webpage feature => WIPMerge branch '41-reorganisation-criterion-null-not-null' into 'develop'Fixed to merge into developAdd webpage familydisplay criterialist on criteria pagemake selector desableb in for checkbox search type when the user validate a criteriaAdd webpages (admin) => doneimprove between and between date serach typeWebpage module => WIPmake selector desabled in time, svom json, select search type when the user validate a criteriamake selector desabled in json search type when the user validate a criteriamake selector desabled in checkbox searchTYPE when the user validate a criteriamake selector desabled in between and betwen date when the user validate a criteriaremove null/not null select box, add null and not null in operators date, datetime,json,svomjson search_typeAdd tinymce dependancydatalist search type :move null and not null in operator select list, and manage no dynamic operator caseinprove betweenDate searchType select boxModule webpages => WIPcreate a selectbox in between-date searchType with 3 items (null, not null, Bw), desable dateRange input when null or not null are chosenremove null/not null select box, add null and not null in operators select boxTest null and not null operatorstest-null-not-n…test-null-not-nullMerge branch '40-suppression-du-component-search-summary' into 'develop'Deleting component summary for multiple searchremove summury component from dataset, criteria, output componentsMerge branch '39-affichage-des-criteria-dans-la-page-result' into 'develop'Adjustment before merging with developMerge branch 'develop' into 39-affichage-des-criteria-dans-la-page-resultdisplay criteria on resultMerge branch '37-amelioration-des-actions-sur-les-lignes-selectionnees' into 'develop'dispaly criteria on result sectionimprove actions on selected rowsimprove actions on selected rowsToken enabled => 0Fixed bugs auth guardsMerge branch 'new_features' into 'develop'Exclude samp.js from sonar scannerFixed tests (client + server)Delete settings (select + options)