#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon May 27 17:30:51 2019
@author: rfetick
from paompy.utils import circarr, airy, RAD2ARCSEC
class Instrument(object):
"""Represents an optical system
D : float
Entrance aperture diameter [meter]
occ : float
Aperture occultation ratio
resolution_rad : float
Resolution [rad]
filters : dict
Dictionary of available filters as tuples (central wvl, width) [meter]
Nact : int
Linear number of AO actuators
gainADU : float
Detector gain [e-/ADU]
RON : float
Detector read out noise [e-]
binning : int
Pixel binning factor (default=1)
def __init__(self,D=None,occ=0.,res=None,Nact=0,gain=1.,ron=0.):
if D is None:
raise ValueError("Please enter keyword `D` to set Instrument's aperture diameter")
if res is None:
raise ValueError("Please enter keyword `res` to set instrument resolution in rad")
if D <= 0:
raise ValueError("Keyword `D` must be strictly positive")
if res <= 0:
raise ValueError("Keyword `res` must be strictly positive")
self.D = D
self.occ = occ # occultation ratio
self.filters = {}
self.Nact = Nact
self._resolution_rad = res
self.gain = gain
self.ron = ron
self.binning = 1
s = "PAOMPY Instrument\n"
s += "----------------------------\n"
s += "Diameter : %.2f m (occ=%u%%)\n" % (self.D,self.occ*100)
s += "Resolution : %.2f mas (binning=%u)\n" % (self.resolution_mas,self.binning)
s += "Nact : %u\n" % self.Nact
K = tuple(self.filters.keys())
s += "Filters : " # %u" % len(self.filters)
for k in K:
s += "%s " % k
s += "\n"
s += "Detector : (gain=%.1f e-/ADU) (RON=%.1f e-)"%(self.gain,self.ron)
def resolution_rad(self):
return self._resolution_rad * self.binning
def pupil(self,Npix,wvl=None,samp=None):
"""Returns the 2D array of the pupil transmission function"""
Dpix = min(Npix)/2
pup = circarr(Npix)
return (pup < Dpix) * (pup >= Dpix*self.occ)
def samp(self,wvl):
"""Returns sampling value for the given wavelength"""
def wvl(self,samp):
"""Returns wavelength for the given sampling"""
def PSFdl(self,Npix,wvl):
"""Returns the diffraction limited PSF
Npix : tuple, list of 2 elements
Size of the output 2D array
wvl : float
Observation wavelength
return airy(Npix,self.samp(wvl),self.occ)
ZIMPOL = Instrument(D=8.,occ=0.14,res=30*1e-6/1768.,gain=10.5,ron=20.,Nact=40)
ZIMPOL.filters["V"] = (554*1e-9, 80.6*1e-9)
ZIMPOL.filters["N_R"] = (645.9*1e-9, 56.7*1e-9)
MUSE = Instrument(D=8.,occ=0.14,res=237.15*1e-6/1980.,gain=5.,ron=15.,Nact=39)